Page 75 of Hide n' Seek

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“Vic,” I breathed, and I took her hands in mine. “Trust me, okay?”

“They won’t like this,” Victoria warned, and as if she spoke it into existence, pings echoed through the hallway.

Comments from my viewers ranged from anger, to excitement, to swoon-worthy.


You should kill that bitch. How dare she go after a Killer?


OMG!!! Are we going to fuck again?


Oooh shit, was this planned? Did y’all want to fuck with the gamemakers? Damn, I can’t wait to see what happens.

“Kohl…” Victoria breathed. I looked up at her, and my entire heart felt like it fell into the water below us, floating away with the dead. She hesitated and moved to the side, like she wanted to hide it from me.

“Show me,” I growled and grabbed her wrist to take a closer look.


wh1t3_r4bb1t wants to be a Killer now, does she?

My blood ran cold, and all the air left my lungs. I don't know how long I stayed staring at the tracker, but no matter how many times I read over the message, I couldn’t wrap my head around them.

Why? Why, after everything?

She had such a hard, sad life because of everything, and now?

We both knew she wasn’t meant to be a Killer.

Anger rushed through me. Almost too fast for me to contain.

It was unrealistic for me to jump to conclusions, but I couldn’t stop the image of my dad’s face flashing in my mind as I pleaded with him to help.

Was he watching now? Was he wishing something like this would happen?

Or maybe…

I didn’t let my mind spiral any further. Instead, I brought her hand to my lips, giving it a kiss. I didn’t stay around to watch how she reacted. I turned back to the ledge, noting the still-lit-up purple and blue masks.

I reached for them, wiping off the blood on the blue one before turning back to Victoria.

“I’ll help you,” I promised.

She shook her head, eyes widening. “You and I both know that’s just asking for them to fuck with us even more.”

I gave her a smile before fastening the mask on her face.

“You got this,” I vowed, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Remember? I’ll give my life for yours? And that includes making it out of here with more money than you’ve everdreamedof. It’s me and you, forget about everyone else.”

Her eyes searched my face as if trying to find the lie, but she wouldn’t find one. I didn’t care how fucked up it was that I was willing to slaughter innocent people just so the woman in front of me could get out of here, and not just that.

Get out of here and live the life she could have had if her family had never been intertwined with mine.
