Page 74 of Hide n' Seek

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I hated the games and what they stood for, but webothcame in. Maybe for different reasons, but I was just as guilty as he was. My murders, no matter what they were for, were just as real as his were.

And the feeling of adrenaline and excitement I got from them was too hard to ignore.

My eyes shifted to Vic. She sat on the ground, her hand coming to rub her neck. She still held the gun in her shaking hand.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

Her gaze lingers on me for a second before nodding. She has this look in her eyes. One that I have never seen before. Her eyes are darting back and forth, her breathing heavy but not from the near drowning.

She was searching for something.

The same adrenaline I had felt with my kills was now pumping through her veins.

I looked back down at Dylan.

It was nasty. His face was almost unrecognizable on the right side with the back of his head open. It reminded me of the first time I ever saw someone get killed in such a manner.

“Do you hate me for it?” she asked.

It was the replay of my father’s game. The one he made me watch every single fucking year so that when I was ready, I could follow in his footsteps. He thought showing me how he smashed a guy’s head in with nothing but a spare brick, causing blood and brain matter to splatter everywhere, would give me some ideas on how to handle my own games.

I hate that he was right.

“Never,” I said, making quick work of dragging my brother’s dead body to the water.

I could never hate her. I could hate myself, but never her.

Dylan’s actions were caused bymyoversight. His rage and carelessness were all his own, but if I had been more careful, maybe we wouldn’t have been in this position.

The water bubbled as he sank to the bottom, the corpse letting out the last of the air in it. Hands grabbed my face, forcing me to look back at Victoria.

Slowly, I took off my mask and laid it on the ground, and as soon as I did, Victoria’s eyes searched my face. A shuddered breath left her. I took a deep breath of my own, nodding when she copied my movements.

“This isn’t your fault,” I said, noticing her still rapid breathing. There was worry in her eyes, and I feared that if I didn’t calm her down soon, she may just go crazy.

I ran my hand down her face, cleaning up the blood splatter. I tried not to cringe as the sticky substance coated my skin.

I exhaled my breath as I wrung out the bloodied water from her hair.

She did the same.

I almost lost her. Ialmost losther. Because I was late. Because I had been too fucking stupid to realize that I was being played.

The moment Dylan received the notification from Father ran through my mind. I still couldn’t understand what possessed him to do that.

Goddammit.I thought I was better than this. I thought I could save her.Why was I so fucking useless?

We took one more breath together.

“That’s right,” I praised. I let my fingers linger too long on the side of her face. Victoria noticed too and moved to sit up. “We are okay. You are okay. I’m not mad.”

The movement caused a sourness to fill me, and I leaned back, letting her sit up on her own. Water seeped into my clothes, chilling my skin, but I didn’t show any of the discomfort on my face.

This isn’t about me right now. She’s spiraling.

“I killed your brother Kohl,family,” she said, her voice giving me a glimpse at just how worried she was.

“I know,” I said, keeping my voice low and soft. “He was going to kill us. There was no other way.”
