Page 102 of Don't Hate Me

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Her legs worked fast, trying to get her petite body as far away from me as she could, but the rocky sand beneath her feet only slowed her down.

“You can do better than that,” I called, closing in on her. She spared me a single look back before shooting forward, only for her to trip on her own two feet.

She tried her best to get back up. Pushing herself up with a panicked whine before reaching her arms out, as if attempting to grasp onto something that would save her from my wrath.

But it was impossible.Because I realized in that moment that us ending up on that beach was the true Karma.

The universe was rewarding me. It had put me in Blakes path, not forcing us together, but giving me a chance to make her mine.

And so I did the only thing I knew how to do.

I grabbed the chance with my bloodied, dirtied hands, and unworthy hands, determined to take what I was owed from the universe.

When I was close enough to her, I didn’t reach for her, but instead I lunged.

My body slammed into hers, bringing us both to the ground. I turned her around to get a good look at her blood-stained face and body. My tongue darted out to lick my lips.

The image was intoxicating.

I had imagined this once. Having her between my legs, covered in the blood of my targets, but nothing compared to the actual sight of her under me.

How had I denied myself something like this for so long?

From the moment I saw her on stage, there was a part of me that knew I had to have her. I was stupid to try and stop myself.

Rolf and the agency be damned.

I grabbed her wrists with one hand and forced them over her head. Her breathing was heavy and brushing across my face as I looked down at her. I let my eyes roam her freckled skin, red-tipped nose, and parted pink lips.No more.I pinned her lower half down with mine and used my free hand to grab her cheeks, forcing her to look at me.

Her body was shaking against my hold, and tears brimmed her eyes.

“What are you so scared of?” I asked, leaning forward and brushing my lips across hers. “Afraid I’ll get back at you for slipping me those drugs? Or maybe it’s about the murder of your ex-husband? I have to admit, Blake, he doesn’t look too good over there.”

More than doesn’t look good. That fucker was unrecognizable. She tried to buck me off, but it was useless.

“What are you going to do? The same to me now?” I pulled my hand away from her face and slipped it under the hoodie. She shuddered against my touches, causing a violent burst of lust to rip through me.

Still so responsive.

“It would make this a whole lot easier,” I murmured. She let out a gasp when my hand cupped her breast. “But honestly, seeing you go animalistic on him awakened something entirely new in me.”

The electric tension that had been rising around us seemed to inflate in that moment. Her heavy breathing became shallow. Her chin jutted out, her lips desperately tried to touch mine. Her bucking changed to something else entirely.

No longer denying ourselves, are we?

“He kissed me,” she whispered breathlessly. Red pricked the edges of my sight.

As mutilated as his face was, it suddenly felt like it wasn’t enough anymore.

I was so distracted by the need to pummel his corpse that it allowed Blake to lunge forward. Her lips crashed against mine, and I couldn’t hold myself back. Especially not when the metallic taste of her blood hit my tongue. I pulled away for a brief moment. Just enough to see her nodding expression.

“I’ll make you forget he ever touched you,” I vowed and dove back in. I kissed her like I never had before. I kissed her with a voraciousness that I didn’t even know I possessed.

Our teeth clanged together, our tongues slipping across each other's like this was the last kiss we would ever get to experience together.

She was lifting her shirt up, bearing her breasts to me before I could do it myself. I broke the kiss to pull a nipple into my mouth, smearing the blood from my face all over her unblemished skin.

The moon was high in the sky, giving me a perfect view of her bloodied body. I trailed my hands down her sides before ripping her pants down past her ass. My hand slipped between her legs, circling her clit in quick circles. Her cunt was so wet and slippery that my mind was begging me for a taste.
