Page 29 of Don't Hate Me

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I let out a huff.Not a chance.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell littleTiff,” she said with a smile. “Bailey was annoying anyway. Tried to get me and Sloan to spill about her personal life more than once.”

I let out a noise but otherwise didn’t respond. The way Avery was able toseeeverything was unnerving. She would be a better assassin than I was. Information was never my thing, but boy, was it powerful.

Avery chose to remind me of that multiple times.

She pulled out something wrapped in clothes from her pocket. It was bulky and made me wonder how I hadn’t seen it before.Probably too busy imagining killing her.

“You know that FBI agent I had you get in touch with a few months ago?” she asked. “Jonson?”

Of course I fucking remembered.As payback, she had me sneak into the fucking FBI agent’s office and leave a note. It was so stupid and almost cost me more than her debt was worth.

But somehow, back then, she had gotten her hands on the knowledge of my newest target,Tiffany.

Slimy fox.

It had been shortly after I started the job, so how she got her hands on that information was beyond me.

“Yes,” I grunted out.

She nodded, then pushed the object into my stomach. I grabbed it from her and pulled apart the cloth, my curiosity getting the better of me. A brilliant green emerald shone in the dim light.

My breath caught in my throat. This was worth a hefty fine.

“So you were the one that stole it?” I breathed, remembering the headline about averyexpensive jewel being stolen from a traveling arts dealer. Something about it being gouged out of a scepter.

I couldn’t help but be at least a little impressed.

“Oh, not me,” she said, waving me off with a laugh. “But anyway, I need you to deliver that to Jonson. He helped me get Father behind bars.”

My eyes narrowed on her.

“I’m not going to be your fucking mail lad—”

“Youoweme,” she reminded me. A smirk spread across her face. “AndI think you’ll find that if you play your cards right, you can get rid of a little problem of yours.”

“What do you know about my problems?”

She rolled her eyes.

“Suit yourself,” she said with a shrug. “All I am saying is that two days from now, the senator that Blake is watching will have an unannounced visit from a few special agents. He been seenfraternizingwith some unsavory people and rumor has it, accepted some bribes for his campaign.”

Her words packed a punch.Damn it.If what she was saying was true, this may be my only chance to get Blake reassigned.

Rolf wouldn’t like what I was doing, not one bit. But that’s only if he finds out.

“And Jonson will plant it for us?” I asked.

She gave me an almost disbelieving stare.

“He will if he’s reminded about how good it will look for him. The choice is yours.”

I clutched the jewel in my hand and looked up at the dark ceiling.

Avery may have been another level of crazy, but goddamn was she useful.

“Consider it done.”
