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I’m cold. How I made it through the night is beyond me. I rub my hands together and blow into them, trying to warm them. I watch people weave in and out of each other, making their way to work. They don’t see me. I’m invisible to them. The funny thing is, I used to be just like them. I had a good job in the accounts department of a huge firm. I was working my way up and then things changed. Sometimes, I want to stop these people and tell them how quickly they can lose it all. They wouldn’t listen, though, because we all think it won’t happen to us.

“Grace,” my friend, Danny, heads towards me holding up a coffee, “wanna share?”

I smile gratefully. It’s good to have a friend on the streets. We look out for one another, and when one eats, we both eat. I take the Styrofoam cup and hold it, enjoying the warmth. “Any luck?” he asks.

I shake my head. “I’m invisible, remember.”

“It’s the wrong time of day. People are too busy,” he reminds me. “Let’s go and see Lenny. He might sneak us in for a shower if the boss ain’t around.”

When we arrive at The Lodge Hotel, Lenny greets us with a smile. He’s worked here for years, and I once stopped him being robbed by another homeless guy. Lenny is over sixty, and I don’t agree with stealing from the elderly or kids. As a thank you, he said I could pop in from time to time and shower at the hotel. He usually finds us an empty room and gives us those little free shampoos you get when you stay. Today is no different. He gives us a key to room ten, then we make our way up in the elevator.

“You go first,” Danny tells me. “I’m gonna go down to the laundry and see what there is.”

“Go to lost property,” I say. I don’t want to take advantage of Lenny’s good nature.

I shower and brush my teeth using the disposable brush Lenny gave me. I wrap myself in a towel and go back into the bedroom just as Danny rushes back in, thrusting some clean clothes from lost property “Quick,” he snaps, “put these on, we’ve gotta get out of here.”


I walk with purpose, causing my men trouble keeping up. “Boss, I need to brief you before we go in there,” says Lev. Lev, my Sovietnik, advises me, but today, I’m not in the mood.

“You know what today is?” I ask.

“Of course.”

“Then you know I’m not in the mood to talk.” He slows, trailing behind, along with my two bodyguards.

The hotel is busy, and this immediately worsens my already terrible mood. Lev goes to the front desk to see if our guest has arrived. “Who found this place?” asks Maxim, looking around in disgust.

“It was Lev’s idea. Less conspicuous,” I mutter.

“Through there,” says Lev, pointing to a set of double doors.

I spot Akin right away. He stands to greet me, bowing his head. “Make it quick, I have somewhere to be.” I turn to my entourage. “Go. I don’t need you lingering behind me.” My men disperse, standing by the doorway instead, but Maxim stays. As my second in command, he’s always by my side when it comes to business.

“Did Lev brief you?” asks Akin waiting for me to sit before he does the same.

“Why would he need to brief me? I’m here in person. Brief me yourself.”

He glances nervously at Lev, which tells me I’m not going to like what I hear. “There’s nothing, boss. No one is talking, and those who are, say they saw nothing. There’re no more businesses to threaten, no more houses to upturn. We’ve approached every known enemy. We have nothing.”

“Youhave nothing,” I correct him. “Six months and you have nothing. That makes me look weak. It makes me look like a fool.”

“Boss, I swear, I’ve tried everything.”

Lev steps forward. “Boss, maybe it’s time—”

I stand abruptly, and he immediately moves back. “It will never be time, Lev. Someone knows something, and I won’t stop until we’ve made them pay for Lara. Am I clear?”

“Crystal,” he mutters, bowing his head.

I storm out the room towards the exit, accidentally knocking the shoulder of a man. I take notice because he looks out of place, like he’s homeless. He apologises, and I give him an angry glare before continuing on my way.

“Idiot,” mutters one of my guards.
