Page 10 of Scorch

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When we were alone, Lydia took a drink of her martini.I watched her throat work and tried to get my dick even remotely interested.My hard-on, however, seemed to have left with Fawn Parker.



Telling Gypsi I had been fired on day two was just too humiliating.I hated lying to her though.I needed to just admit that I’d lost the best-paying job I had ever had and we might not be heading north in a month—or even a few months.Although, if the asshole she’d dated in the stupid biker club showed up here, we would move with or without the money.Micah had promised me he’d handle the kid and Gypsi would have no more issues with him.I wanted to believe he had followed through on that.Especially since I now had to find a new job, thanks to my inability to keep my mouth shut.

I had to drop Gypsi off at the coffee shop she had gotten a job at, then head back to the camper to get ready for a job hunt.I hadn’t wanted to get ready before and make Gypsi question why I was fixing up when I had work tonight and would have to shower again anyway.She knew me too well.I would have to tell her about losing the job tonight.It wasn’t like I could hide the fact that I wasn’t going into work.

The Harley that was sitting outside my camper when I pulled up made me groan.I knew that bike.Why was Micah here?I parked my car and scanned the area, but I didn’t see him.Just as I stepped out of the car, the camper door opened, and Micah stood in the doorway.

I shook my head and walked toward him.“I can’t decide if I should be asking why you are here or how you got into my camper first,” I said as I approached the door.

He gave me a cocky grin that used to turn me on.“I miss you, and the lock on this place is shit.You need a new one.I’m going to go get one and put it on after you talk to me.”

I put my hands on my hips and looked at him.“We aren’t talking, and you aren’t changing the lock.I’ll go do that.I do not need a man to handle things for me.”

He stepped forward with his eyes roaming down my body.“You miss me, right?”

I shook my head.“No, I don’t.”

His blue eyes seemed lackluster now, and I realized it was because of the piercing gray color of Garrett’s eyes.

“Damn, baby.You’re killing my ego.”

I raised my eyebrow.“Micah, there isn’t a force on earth that has the power to kill your ego.”

The corners of his mouth curled up.“You miss me.”It wasn’t a question.It was a statement.As if he was telling me something that was a fact.

I sighed and waved my hand at him to come outside and exit my camper.“You need to leave.I ended this.It’s over.I have to get ready and go find a job.”

Micah groaned.“You’re still doing this?I gave you some time.We’re good together, Fawn.”

I was about ready to swear off men.Even if I liked sex.I could go buy a really good vibrator.When I had money again.

“Micah, listen to me.It is over.We are friends.I’m not interested in anything more.”

He reached out and ran his hand up my arm.“If you’ll go inside with me, I can make you rethink this with my head between your legs.You love how good I can eat that pussy.”His voice lowered as he moved his hand to cover my butt.“You pulling my hair.Screaming my name as you come all over my tongue.”

I started to tell him that his tongue wasn’t as magical as he seemed to believe when I heard the gravel crunching under tires and saw a frown form between Micah’s eyes as he stared over my shoulder.Turning, I watched as a Bentley pulled up in front of my camper.The only reason I knew it was a Bentley was because I’d once dated a guy who had been restoring a much older model.

“Did you make some rich friends, baby?”he asked behind me.

I shook my head.I hadn’t made any friends.Especially of the Bentley-driving variety.

When it came to a stop, two doors opened at the same time.The driver’s side, where a young blond guy with tattoos stepped out, and the back right door, where a man in a brown cowboy hat, jeans, boots, and a black button-down shirt that was tucked in appeared.He reached up and tilted the front of his hat back.

I gasped at the same time Micah whispered, “Fucking hell,” behind me.

Why was Garrett at my camper?How did he know where I lived?I was so confused that I squinted my eyes and studied him closer to make sure I was seeing him right.

Micah’s hand went to my hip, and he gripped it, tightening his hold and moving me back and to the side as he stepped around me.His entire body was tense, as if he was nervous about something.This was all so odd and out of place that I wasn’t sure I was awake.

“Garrett,” Micah said as a greeting, and my gaze swung up to him in surprise.

He knew Garrett?How?Why?This was a weird dream brought on from being fired last night.Nothing else made sense.

“Micah,” Garrett replied.
