Page 28 of Scorch

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“We could drive and take a boat from the mainland, since it’s only two and a half hours away, but we will take my helicopter.”

His helicopter.He owned a helicopter.I’d never been in a helicopter.I’d never flown at all.The crave for adventure was clawing at me.A ride in a helicopter, a private island that he was going to buy—it sounded exciting.Unreal and like something I would never get an opportunity to do again.

“Okay,” I replied.“I’ll go.”

The gleam in his eyes should be a warning, but instead, it only added to the thrill.

“I’ll pick you up at seven in the morning.We’ll have breakfast.”

I nodded, then remembered I hadn’t gotten him a drink yet.“I’ll go get your drink,” I told him before turning to leave.

“Fawn.”He said my name in a way that sent tingles through my body.

“Yes?”I asked, glancing back at him.

“Thank you.”

I blinked.What was he thanking me for?Getting his drink?He’d never thanked me for that before.I wasn’t sure how to respond.

Finally, I just asked, “For what?”

“For going with me tomorrow.”

Oh.That seemed odd.I should be thanking him for taking me.After all, it was my adventure.

“You’re welcome,” I finally managed before leaving to go catch my breath and get his drink.

Felix was the only one at the bar when I approached it.He was studying me as he took down a glass.When I got to him, he was already pouring Garrett’s scotch of choice into it.

“You were in there awhile,” he said with a crooked grin on his face.

I had been.I glanced around, realizing I’d left Arya alone to handle the other members in here tonight.

“It’s okay.Josephine is here, helping Arya,” he said to me.

I frowned.“It got busy enough to call for backup?”

He shook his head as he slid the scotch to me.“No.Mr.Hughes wanted you to only serve him.He sent for someone else to help Arya.”

I took his glass and placed it on the tray.Why would he do that?It was as if he was making me a target for the other servers to hate me.Besides, it wasn’t fair.He didn’t require enough for me not to wait on others too.Not to mention, I needed all the tips I could get.

Spinning around, I stalked back to his corner, ready to point this out.My moment of thinking Garrett wasn’t so bad had vanished.He’d gone and controlled me again.

When I stepped back under the arch leading into his space, his gaze lifted from the phone in his hand to meet mine.

“Why did you send for backup?I could have served you and others.It’s not that busy tonight,” I blurted out.

He lifted one of his broad shoulders in a casual shrug.“I don’t like to share.”

I stared at him incredulously.“Share your server?”

Those gray eyes felt as if they pierced through me.“Share you.”

I took his drink and set it down beside him while I let myself decide how to respond to that.Part of me wanted to bask in the attention while the rational part knew that would be a mistake.

“What do you want from me exactly?”I asked.

“I thought I’d made that clear last night,” he said.
