Page 36 of Scorch

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“Easy, pretty baby.There’s no need to get all worked up,” he scolded.

I glared at him.“I’m sorry if being asked if you need to worry about getting a disease from me right after you fucked me is insulting.”

His eyes twinkled with amusement, and I had the sudden urge to slap his face.He grabbed my chin with more force than necessary and held it so that I couldn’t look away from him.

“I like your temper, but be warned: I will also spank your ass until it burns when you unleash it on me.”

I gaped at him.Was he seriously threatening to spank me?I had lost my mind and gone too far with this man.

“Stop looking at me like you want to slap me,” he whispered, smiling as he said it.“I just wanted to make sure the next time I fuck you, I can take you raw.I don’t like having the barrier there.I want to feel you and unload inside you.My cum needs to be leaking out of you and keeping your thighs sticky.”He bent down and pressed a soft kiss to my lips.“Reminding you who fucked you, who made this pussy come.”

My breathing stuttered, and he flashed me an evil grin before letting go of me and standing back up.I sat there and watched in silence as he took the condom off and tied it before he pulled his pants back up.His thighs were rock hard, tanned, and bulging with muscles.Lord help me, he was going to destroy me.

“Your panties aren’t usable anymore.I’m afraid I got carried away.I’ll replace them.”

I scooted to the edge of the bed and stood up, tugging my top down as I did so.I let my skirt fall back down over my now-bare ass.He tugged me to him and slid a hand over my bottom, then squeezed it hard.

“Are you ready to go?”he asked.

I glanced around.We’d made a mess of the bed.“I need to straighten this up, and don’t you want to see the rest of the house?”

He shook his head.“I don’t need to.”

Confused, I frowned as he bent down and picked up my torn panties and shoved them into his pocket.


His eyes met mine with a satisfied glint brightening them.“I’m keeping the house,” he said.“I won’t tear down the first place I fucked you.”

I stood there, staring at him.Words didn’t come.I was going to do this.Ride whatever roller coaster he’d just put me on until he told me to get off.I just hoped I survived it.



There had been no sign of Garrett since he had dropped me at the camper after our trip to the island.Two days had passed, and by the third day, I was realizing that my first assumption had been right.He was going to fuck me once, and he was done.My self-esteem was taking a hit.I wished it weren’t, but it was.All I could do was think about how utterly amazing Garrett had been, but he’d not been as impressed with me.

I found myself going over everything that happened.What had I done wrong?He’d had me unable to think, and I hadn’t focused on his pleasure.I had been too wrapped up in what he was doing to me.He’d probably been underwhelmed after he had time to think about it.The thought made my chest heavy and achy, unfortunately.

The helicopter ride home, he’d held my hand, and then the ride back to my camper, we had talked, laughed even.When he drove away, I was still smiling.I woke up the next day, still smiling.Every hour that ticked by that day with no word from Garrett, my smile started to diminish.By day two, it had been wiped clean.

The cheap cell phone I’d bought and put my SIM card in worked fine when I needed to check on Gypsi.It wasn’t that he couldn’t reach me.He just didn’t want to.I had also been placed in the Monte Cristo Lounge last night for work.The idea that Garrett had wanted me moved there to avoid me stung.No, it did more than sting; it burned a hole in my chest.

Thankfully, I wasn’t working tonight, and I wouldn’t be forced to smile and act like I was fine.I wasn’t fine.Gypsi had even asked me if I was feeling okay.I’d lied and told her I had a migraine.Tonight, we were going to go see a movie and get burgers.I needed some time with my daughter and a distraction.Perhaps we should leave Ocala.Just go north a little.Even just to Gainesville.There were jobs there.

Turning on the shower from outside the tiny bathroom, I made sure it was on full blast.I needed it to be hot and steamy.I had hopes a shower and putting on my favorite cutoff shorts and cropped Van Halen T-shirt would put me in a better mood.Anything to ease this heaviness weighing me down.

I pulled the sundress off I’d put on to take Gypsi to work and slipped off my panties.The moment I stepped into the bathroom, there was a knock on my door.I paused and grabbed my robe before cutting off the water, then walked the six steps it took to get to the door.Peeking out the window, I saw the Bentley, and my heart did a silly flutter in my chest until I realized it was Kye outside my door.

Annoyed at myself, I jerked the door open and forced a smile.

Kye had another shopping bag in his hand.

“What can I do for you, Kye?”I asked him, unable to keep the sarcasm out of my voice.

He held the bag out to me, but I didn’t reach for it.

“I don’t know what that is, and I don’t want it.”
