Page 47 of Scorch

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His gray eyes almost royal blue now locked on me.“I want you.I want you here.I want to take care of you.Keep you.Fuck, I want to own you.”

Own me?Right now probably wasn’t the best time to tell him no man or human was ever going to own me.That was unhinged.

“Just … give me something.Anything.I need something here, Fawn.I can’t win with you.”The urgency in his voice made my heart ache.

I closed the space I had put between us and placed my palms against his chest and looked up at him.There was a softer side to Garrett Hughes.Under all that dark, terrifying lord persona of his was a man.One that felt.Had emotions.

“What are we doing?I mean … I thought it was sex and possibly dating some.Do you always go fill this room with things for women you just started having sex with?”

His jaw tightened.“No.”

That was a relief.“Then, why did you do it for me?Because I live in a camper?Is this charity?”

“Fuck, Fawn!No!Goddammit.I’ve been drawn to you since the first moment I laid eyes on you.Then, the more I learned about you, I was around you, I knew you were different.You affect me in ways I’m not familiar with, but I want it.I did this, knowing I was going to bring you here today, take you out, spoil you, and enjoy watching you smile.”

My heart fluttered in my chest.This man and his words.How was I supposed to say no to him?When he said things like that … he made me feel special.Worthy of his ridiculous gifts.As if he cherished me.This was going fast—too fast—and I feared it was going to burn out just as quickly.If I wasted our time together, always complaining about his outlandish gestures, I would regret it in the end.Even if I knew, one day, my heart would be left with scorch marks on it.

“If you promise not to buy me any more things,” I began, “I will use the things you have here when we go somewhere together.It’s obvious I don’t personally own clothing that would be appropriate when you’re dressed up in fancy tuxedos.But I will not take the things home with me.I will borrow them so as not to embarrass you when we are together.”

His eyes narrowed.“Embarrass me?Nothing you wear would embarrass me.I bought the clothes because I want to see you in them.Because I know you want to wear them.You will never admit it, but you like pretty things.Beautiful, expensive things.”

Okay, fine.I was a woman.I liked pretty things.But I wasn’t keeping it.I would consider it borrowing.

“I’ll make sure to hide the price tags, so after I wear them, you can return them.”

Garrett smirked.“The tags have already been disposed of.”

I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest.“Then, you are good with this arrangement?”

He nodded.“For now.”

I rolled my eyes and turned to walk over to the closet.“You might as well tell me what to wear.I don’t know where we are going, and you picked the dresses out—” Any other words that I was about to say fell away as I stood, staring into a closet my camper could be parked inside with room to spare.

There wasn’t an inch of it uncovered.Dresses of all kinds, a wall of shoes, a full-length mirror in the middle of the room on a freaking stage with a pink velvet bench/sofa thingy that I knew had a name, but I wasn’t sure what it was.A section of the right wall was a glass case, and inside was all kinds of stones sparkling with the lighting.Holy freaking hell.There were drawers partially opened, and I could see silky underthings.

“Garrett,” I choked out, “what is this?”

His hand brushed my hair back over my shoulder as he trailed his knuckles along my bare skin.“Your things.”

I couldn’t look at him.“This is insane.You realize that?”

His breath tickled my ear.“You promised to use it.Don’t back out of our deal now.”

I closed my eyes and sighed heavily.“I won’t.But please, please don’t spend any more money on me.”And please, please don’t get bored with me too quickly.I just wanted him.As long as I could have him.

His deep chuckle vibrated against my neck.“I’ll try.”

Why did I not believe him?

“Now more than before, I really need you to choose what I wear.This is overwhelming,” I told him.

He walked past me and went to the cocktail dresses.He didn’t look through them, but pulled out one, as if he knew exactly what he wanted me to wear.The strapless white dress shimmered under the light, as if silver had been weaved into the fabric.He walked to the center of the room and hung it on a gold stand that stood beside the mirror.

I watched as he then made his way to the shoes and scanned them before picking up a silver pair that looked like they tied around my ankles.He set them down beneath the dress, then went to open a drawer and began taking out a pair of silver satin panties and a strapless bra that made the corner of my mouth quirk in amusement.He turned to me and held it up, then winked before taking them and placing them on the pink lounge-type sofa thingy—I still didn’t know what it was called.

“Your jewelry is there.”He motioned toward the glass case.“I’ll let you enjoy getting to choose what you’d like to wear from it.”

I stared at the daunting case.“Is it real?”I asked him.
