Page 61 of Scorch

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“Turn up the volume,” I barked, stepping closer to the screen.

Her shoulders shook, and the sounds of her sobbing filled the room.Death.I was going to brutally murder whoever had caused this.Torture them slowly.Fury clawed at my chest as my pretty girl bent over, dropping her face into her hands, and the cries grew louder.

“Who?”I demanded through clenched teeth.

“Sir?”Silas’s voice trembled.

“WHO DID THIS?!”I roared, grabbing the stool and slamming it into the door so hard that it fell to the floor in pieces.

I felt like a caged lion.I needed a goddamn name.

“I wasn’t there, sir.Kent, the bartender in the lounge last night, informed me that Fawn had looked upset and he’d sent her to the dressing room.She never returned.I was too busy last night and figured she was sick.She’d said she had a migraine earlier.But when there was no word from her, I came in here this afternoon to check the footage.I saw this.I knew you’d want to see it,” he stammered over his words, his eyes flickering to the broken stool back to the screen before looking at me.

“Who was she with before she looked upset?”I barely contained my roar.

Silas nodded anxiously.“Yes, sir.I pulled that up too.I can’t hear well with all the talking.The lounge was full last night.But here.”

He pressed the remote, and there she was again.Walking up to Barley and fucking Justin Hunts.A sick dread washed over me.

She was smiling when she approached them, but that wasn’t her real smile.My girl didn’t want to be there.I could see Barley recognized her, and I heard her musical voice reply that we were no longer seeing each other.The bastard had had the fucking nerve to ask her about our relationship.Did he think he was going to move in?I was going to kill him.The investment banker would be found in his high-rise office with a bullet in his head.

I focused on Justin’s mouth and strained to hear his words.My gaze shifted back to Fawn’s face as he spoke, and the way her fake smile fell, leaving the broken expression as her bottom lip quivered, sent a bolt of explosive rage through me.I wanted to pulverize everything in my path.Cause pain.Wage a goddam war on myself.

It was me.I’d done this to her.She’d been crying, so heartbreakingly shattered, on the floor because of me.

“Shut it off!”I shouted.

“Yes, sir,” Silas replied, and the screen went dark.

I had to get air.Out of this room.Out of this club.Away from this place that had hurt her … because of my actions.I jerked the door open and stalked out of the space.I didn’t turn around as I headed to the elevator.

“Revoke Justin Hunts’s and Mack Barley’s membership,” I ordered as the elevator doors slid open.

“Yes, sir,” Silas called out.

I had to fix this.Fuck my pride and my ego.All it had done was put me in a hell of my own making and take every ounce of joy in my life from me.But worse than that, it had hurt her.She had sobbed on her goddamn knees.Fuck, I couldn’t breathe.My chest felt as if it was going to combust from the tightness.

I had to get to her.See her.Beg her.Whatever it took.I’d been a fool to think I could let her go and move on.

When I had been with her, I had been happy.Truly fucking happy.Not once in my life had I experienced real joy until Fawn Parker walked into my life.She’d made the darkness I dwelled in bearable.I needed her.She was my source of light.

I had already been ready to go to her, pleading for forgiveness, before she completely ruptured my damn soul with the sounds of her crying.Whatever she asked, I’d do.

For the first time since I had taken over as boss, I was willing to allow someone else to demand things from me.Only Fawn though.Only Fawn.



I stood at the doorway to the bedroom in our camper, watching Gypsi sleep.The room consisted of the bed only.It took up all the space.There were some cabinets above it, but other than the tiny gaps between the walls and the bed, there was nothing more.Some nights, she slept in the twin bed that the sofa turned into.The nights she got tired before me, she went to the big bed and slept.I typically crawled in beside her if I didn’t fall asleep on the sofa, watching the television.

Tomorrow, I had to tell her we were leaving.She’d be ready to go.The farther we got away from Miami, the better for her.I’d spent today counting the money we had in the cookie jar, and I’d gone to the pawnshop and sold the only piece of gold jewelry I owned.It was a necklace that Micah had given me for my last birthday.It had brought in two hundred dollars, which was more than I’d expected.

The rent on the lot was caught up, and I’d let them know we would be gone in the next few days.The electricity and water were paid.Everything was in order.I had tried to call Silas, but I’d gotten his answering service and left a message for him to call me, but he hadn’t done so.I felt guilty, leaving him like this, but my mental health could not stay here any longer.

The window lit up from headlights, and I moved over to watch the vehicle pull in beside mine.Who was that?Micah didn’t own a car.The only car that had come here I doubted I would see again.I grabbed the metal baseball bat I kept by the door and waited.

The shadowed outline of a cowboy hat had me squinting.I recognized the sexy saunter as the figure neared.
