Page 66 of Scorch

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Had I ever witnessed anything so exciting?

When I spun around to look up at Garrett, his gaze was already on me.

“Let’s go to the winner’s circle, pretty baby,” he said huskily, taking my hand and tucking it in the crook of his arm.

We passed several people he’d already introduced me to, and unlike the gala, everyone in this suite was friendly.There were no jealous or haughty glares.Last night, at the party we had gone to, there were a few, but it was such a large event that it hadn’t mattered.It had been a whirlwind.

Kye and a man Garrett had introduced as Levi earlier stood at the exit of the suite.I smiled at both of them as we exited, but Garrett barely gave them a nod.I was getting used to the way he dealt with his bodyguards—or whatever they were.His world of wealth was confusing, and I was trying to understand it without asking a million questions.The time was going to come—and soon—when I needed some clarification as to why he needed so many men working as protection.If that was what they were.

Cameras were going off as we walked to the place where the jockey and Shakespeare were located.Red roses were everywhere, even draped over the horse, like a blanket.A crowd of people congratulated Garrett, shaking his hand while cameras flashed.He kept one hand on my lower back as he smiled and spoke to the others.

While the press got group shots, Garrett scanned the crowd for someone, then glanced down at me.“When we finish here, I need to find Trev.”

When the celebrating ended, we made our way back to the suite.They had more races coming, and one of Garrett’s closest friends had a horse in the upcoming one.As we walked back into the suite, my gaze found Gypsi.She’d come down, and she was talking to a handsome young man.Thrilled that she was attempting to enjoy this, I called her name.

Garrett seemed to tense slightly, but he said nothing.I wondered if he was still trying to find his son.He walked with me as I made my way over to Gypsi, wanting to hug her for joining us down here.Garrett was so complimentary of her, and I wanted her to give him a chance.He was trying to do all he could to ease her mind about us.

“Son, I see you’ve met Gypsi,” Garrett said as we reached Gypsi and the attractive boy.

I studied him closer as he frowned at his father.I could see the resemblance now.Especially in the eyes.This was Trev.I didn’t understand the tension in the air between the two males, but I could feel it.

“Did you see the race?I wish you’d come down here with us.It was incredible!”I gushed, hoping to distract them and silently check on Gypsi.Decide if she was okay or not.

She seemed a little off.It was in her eyes as they darted nervously from me to Garrett.

“I did,” Gypsi replied with a smile that abated my concerns.

“Fawn, this is my youngest son, Trev,” Garrett said to me.“Trev, this is Fawn Parker.”

It was clear on Trev’s face that he didn’t know who I was exactly.It didn’t bother me as much as it made me feel less guilty for keeping Garrett a secret from Gypsi for so long.

“It’s nice to meet you, Trev.Where did you find Gypsi?”I asked him, curious as to if he was the reason she’d come down here.I wouldn’t blame her if she had; the boy seemed to be as charming as his father.

“Uh, yeah, well, we met last night.But”—he paused and glanced at Gypsi briefly before finishing—“we didn’t realize the connection until today.I saw her up in the mansion.”

Interesting.She hadn’t mentioned that at all.I wasn’t sure if I should be concerned or not.After all, I wanted our children to get along.It would make things much easier if they liked each other.

“Now that you’ve met, why don’t you show her around?Introduce her to people.This is their first derby.I’m sure she’d like to be around some people her own age,” Garrett told him.

Trev nodded, looking happy to do so.This would be exactly what Gypsi needed to get her to enjoy our trip.

“Her hotel suite is on the opposite side of the hall as yours.In case we get separated at the end and she needs a way back, make sure you get her there,” Garrett added.

“I’ll take care of her,” Trev assured him and flashed a grin at me too.

I studied Gypsi for a moment to see if this was okay with her.I could read her expressions easily most of the time.But right now, something was bothering her.I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

“There’re the Houstons.I want to introduce you to Melanie.You’ll like her,” Garrett said to me before leading me away from our kids and toward a couple that seemed to be Garrett’s age, maybe a touch younger.

The woman smiled brightly at me as we approached, and I wanted to sigh in relief.She seemed nice.Garrett had spoken highly of the Houstons and seemed so sure I’d like Melanie.

When she held out her hand to me with genuine interest and a friendly sparkle in her eyes, I relaxed and enjoyed her company, trying hard not to search out Gypsi.Garrett handed Melanie and me a fancy gold cup with a drink inside.

Melanie laughed and shook her head.“Figures you’d be able to make two of the gold cups appear like magic,” she said to him.

I was clueless as to what she was talking about.

“It’s mint julep, like the one you had last night,” Garrett told me with a wink.
