Page 7 of Scorch

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“As long as she doesn’t bother us with chatter or mess up my drinks, I don’t mind,” the deep voice replied, and my eyes swung over to the man who had spoken.

I shivered.Startling bluish gray eyes met mine.

“I don’t have to bring her back with me,” Eliana replied, sounding pleased.

“Garrett might not have a preference, but I would like her to return.I’m never one to turn away a beautiful view,” the other man replied.

Eliana’s smile seemed forced now.She didn’t like that response.

I realized I’d stopped breathing when my lungs began to burn.I dropped my gaze and silently sucked in a breath.Dear God, that man was gorgeous but terrifying.The warning of danger in his gray depths, mixed with the air of power that seemed to come off him in waves, was intense.I didn’t think I wanted to come back in here.I had never reacted to someone like this before, and I didn’t care for it.At all.

“Of course, Mr.Ford,” she replied.“Can I get either of you something more at the moment?”

“Cohiba Behike,” Garrett said.

Eliana turned to me and pushed the empty tray at me.I took it, then watched as she went over to the cigars.

“What’s your name?”Mr.Ford asked.

I swung my eyes back to meet his.His gaze slowly took in my body instead of meeting mine.

“Fawn,” I replied.

His eyes finally made it back to my face.“That’s a lovely name.”

“Thank you,” I said, wishing Eliana would hurry up.

Garrett was making me feel unsteady.

“Anything for you, Mr.Ford?”Eliana asked him.

He didn’t look at her, but continued watching me as he waved her off instead of responding.

Eliana walked over and held out a wooden case to Garrett while opening it.He reached inside and took out a cigar.Why was it that I thought his hands were sexy?Because they were.Big and tanned.I could see the veins in them, and the image of those hands on me came into my thoughts.I shut that off quickly.Nope.Not going to go there.This man was powerful and important, and without saying anything, he was still terrifying.

When Eliana turned around, she glared at me.“Take the tray away, please,” she told me.

I hadn’t realized she had wanted me to leave.I nodded, then turned and exited the lair, now understanding why Leo had called it that.It felt like it, although it was far nicer than the other private areas.With Garrett whoever he was in there, it had a dark feel to it.

Leo was watching me as I walked out.He seemed curious.A little too curious.I took the tray over, and he leaned closer to me.

“So?”he asked.

“What?”was my response.I still wasn’t sure what he had expected to happen in there.

“What did he say to you?”he asked as if that was an obvious question.

“Which one?”

I knew which one.There was only one man in that room who would get this kind of interest.I didn’t want to admit that though.

Leo gave me a look that said he couldn’t believe I’d asked that.

“Garrett Hughes,” he whispered.“Who gives a fuck about Ford?”

I shrugged.“He said he didn’t mind me shadowing Eliana if I didn’t talk or mess up his drinks.”

Leo seemed surprised.“Really?He didn’t say more?Flirt?”
