Page 72 of Scorch

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“And why is that?”I asked him.

He studied me for a moment, and I could see the flicker of unease in his expression.

“I promised you answers.I intend to give them to you.First, let’s change out of these clothes.This is likely to take a while, and as stunning as you are in that dress, it can’t be comfortable.”

I nodded, realizing the seriousness of this and wondering just how much he was really going to share with me.What if it was more than I could accept?I had Gypsi to think of and her safety.But then had she ever been more protected since Garrett had come into my life?That answer was a solid no.

“Okay,” I agreed, and he placed a soft kiss on my lips before heading to the bedroom.

I waited for a few moments before following him.I pulled out my phone to see that Gypsi was safely in the suite, like Garrett had promised.Once I was sure he’d had time to change, I made my way into the bedroom.

“Are we giving each other privacy now?”Garrett teased.

I shrugged as my lips tugged at the corners.“We need to talk.I wasn’t sure us changing together would be beneficial.”

Garrett arched an eyebrow.“Are you saying you wouldn’t have been able to control your carnal urges?”

I licked my bottom lip, then pulled it between my teeth briefly before replying, “I’m saying you wouldn’t have, Mr.Hughes.”

A rumble of deep laughter came from his chest.“You’re a smart woman.Do you need help with the buttons on the back of the dress?”

I nodded.“If you can keep from doing more than just helping me.”

His eyes seemed to darken.“We need to talk.I’ll behave myself.”

Garrett made quick work of unfastening my dress before leaving me alone in the room.His rushed exit made my body warm, as I knew he’d left quickly because he wanted to touch me.Seeing that I affected him as strongly as he did me was powerful and gave me hope that there was more for us.My heart was heading in that direction, and as foreign as this was to me, it still felt as if I had been searching for this my entire life.The emotion, as terrifying as it could be, could also be the most exquisite experience in the world.

After I slipped one of the silky nightgowns Garrett had bought for me over my head, I took the hotel’s thick, fluffy white robe and put it on.The expensive lingerie that he had given me to sleep in was meant to entice.That wouldn’t benefit our need to talk.

Garrett was standing at the bar, pouring a glass of his scotch.He glanced back at me and smirked.“Can I get you a drink?”he asked.

“No thank you.The amount of mint juleps I consumed today was shocking.At least for me.”

He turned with his glass in hand.“Yet you didn’t even seem tipsy,” he remarked.

“Water in between each one.A big, tall glass,” I replied.

I sank down onto the plush sofa, the excess fabric from the oversize robe pooling around me.Pulling my feet up underneath me, I sat and waited for Garrett to get comfortable.He took a seat on the sofa, too, but not as close as we normally sat.There was enough space between us that another person could have sat there comfortably.

His gray gaze held mine.“Ask what you will,” he prodded.

Where to start?I fidgeted with my hands for a moment, then decided to just start with the big questions.“Why do you have security detail all the time, everywhere?”

He didn’t look away from me as he replied, “I’m a powerful man.I have enemies.”

Enemies?Okay, that led to a host of new questions.

“Tell me about these enemies.”

Garrett took a drink.His shoulders were tense, and I could see he was struggling some with telling me things.He stretched his free hand out on the back of the sofa and appeared to relax.His clenched jaw was the only thing that gave away that he wasn’t.

“I’ve done business with those who tried to undermine me.Steal from me.I handled the situation often—no, every time—in a way that left the other party with a level of hate toward me.I protect what is mine at all costs.”

He was talking in riddles.That didn’t tell me much at all.

I tried another angle.“What is it you do?Other than race horses and own hotels and other things.Why are you respected, almost frighteningly so?Not just in Ocala.I’ve seen it here too.People move out of the way for you.”

He lowered his head and stared down at the glass in his hand.His chest rose and fell with a deep sigh.“Fawn,” he began, “there are things that I want you to know, but I am equally tormented with the idea that you can’t handle it.”He lifted his gaze and looked at me.“I don’t want to lose you.”
