Page 85 of Scorch

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His beady eyes didn’t leave the gun that was trained on him.“My dead wife,” he said to her.

Dead?That hadn’t come up in the background report.

“When did she die?”I asked him.

The nervous tic in his eyes didn’t go unnoticed.“A week ago.Meth house she was living in blew up.”

“We’ve been together fourteen months, Billy!You never said nothing ’bout no wife.”

He scowled.“There’s a man pointing a gun at me, Bridge.We can talk ’bout that shit later.”

I turned back to Bridge.“I don’t know.I’m with Bridge here.I’d like to know about Carla myself.”

Bridge’s expression softened, and she gave me a flirtatious smile.

Gage coughed to cover up his laughter.

I turned back to Billy, looking at the son of a bitch.Rage pounded in my head.The sound of Fawn’s voice, her cries, the way she had trembled in my arms, recalling all he’d done to her.I wasn’t sure hell would be enough for him.The suffering I wanted to inflict on this man was worse than anything the fucking Devil could deliver.

“Where was Carla living when she died?”I asked him.

He shifted his feet nervously.“Two towns over with her new man.”

“I’ll need an address,” I told him.

He looked frustrated.“I got the proof.It made the news, if you care so damn much.Bridge, get that paper I folded up and put on top of the fridge.”

The woman went over and took down a paper.“This one?”

Billy waved his hand at me.“Give it to him!”he barked.

The woman rolled her eyes, then walked over to me after she shoved her boobs up further in her tight top and shook them a little.Annoyed, I cut my eyes toward Kenneth, who was pressing his lips together.Amusement danced in his eyes.

When she got close enough, I took the paper and turned my back to her.

“It’s right there.See?She’s dead.”

I read over the article, and her name was listed as one of those found in the meth house that had exploded.She’d been identified before the others because she was farther from the explosion.Her body hadn’t been as destroyed.

I hoped she’d felt it, suffered, screamed in agony.Crumpling the paper in my hand, I let the fury that I’d not been there to make sure she died a horrid, drawn-out death seep through me.

“Is that all you needed?Did Carla do something?”Billy asked.

I glared at him.“Do you remember Fawn Parker?”I asked slowly.

Billy frowned, confused for a moment.The fact that he didn’t remember the girl he’d abused or that he was pretending not to made me snap.The cool I had been trying to remain was gone.

I stalked over to the man as he backed up until his back hit the wall.

He held up both hands, shaking his head.“I didn’t do nothing to her.Except feed her and give her a roof over her ungrateful head,” he stammered.“She ran off—”

My fist connected with the side of his face, hard enough to snap it back, and then he sank to the floor, unconscious.

Bridge screamed as I turned around.

“Tie him up.Get him in the vehicle,” I ordered.

Gage slipped his gun back into its holster and started toward Billy.I nodded at Kenneth to go on outside, then swung my gaze to Bridge.
