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It’s liberating to realize it no longer hurts to think about it. I no longer care about Felix.

“Fuck, Leighton, you’re not walking away from us. I’ve booked a flight to Toronto for the both of us in the morning. Be ready by nine.”

A volcanic rage spills from within me. “I’m not getting on a plane and definitely not with you. Go to hell, Felix.”



“Please send me your itinerary so we have it on record.” August’s request makes me stop pouring the freshly brewed coffee.

When I woke up this morning to go for a run, the condo was quiet just like it was last night when I got in late. If I didn’t know better, I’d have thought I was alone.

After dinner, I ended up meeting our server, Mandy, and a few of her friends to play pool once her shift was over. She’d been clear she was looking for a hookup. I’d also been clear that I wasn’t interested.

Despite our differing wants, she still wanted to hang out, and I was looking for somewhere else to be. Anywhere but with Leighton and Felix.

There was a strange, unsettling vibe between the two of them, and it only intensified throughout dinner. I didn’t want to believe they were together, not with how Leighton had been with me. Not with our kiss and how we were growing close. But it was hard not to.

I didn’t know what to think. I’m attracted to Leighton and was hoping for more. It was hard seeing her with Felix, his hands and mouth on her, even if I didn’t have a right.

Memories from the night before blister my chest. I tried to play it casual throughout dinner, but I was itching to get out of there. Or what would have been better was to get Leighton alone. To talk to her. But it was clear Felix wouldn’t let that happen.

“Hey, Tom, you still there?” August’s voice carries through the speaker of my phone and snaps me out of my thoughts.

“Uh, yeah, sorry.” I place the carafe on the countertop and shake my head. “I don’t have an itinerary. Leighton’s talked about it in vague terms, but nothing’s set in stone. All I know is, we’ll be back by next Thursday, at the latest.”

“The Film Festival is Thursday, right?”


“And now you’re calling her Leighton. What changed? Are things better?”

I scan the kitchen, concerned Leighton or Felix could walk in at any minute. Why did I say anything to Gus about her? Sure, we got off to a rocky start, but I didn’t have to paint her in a negative light, even if nothing I said was false.

She can be difficult, but she’s so much more than that, and I’m slowly discovering the many sides to her. Or at least, I was starting to. Who knows now with Felix here.

Ignoring his comment, I ask, “How are things with Brent?”

Gus chuckles, most probably amused by my change of topic. “Fine, be like that. You don’t want to talk about it. I get it. But before we move on, I need you to understand that I’m not trying to be a dick or a stickler. I need the itinerary.”

“Got it, and as soon as I have it, so will you. Now, Brent?”

“Shit, you’re never going to believe this.”

“Believe what?” Suddenly Eden’s voice is in the background. She must have walked into his office.

“Hey, Eden.” There’s a smile to August’s tone. “Tom’s on the line.”

“Tom, how are you?” Her cheery voice elicits another smile from me.

“I’m great. And you?”

“Good. Good.” Sounds of movement filter through the line. “Hey, move over,” she says to Gus before shifting her focus back to the conversation. “So what are we talking about?”

“Eden, it’s so nice of you to join us.” Gus’s sarcasm makes us all laugh. “Tom wants an update on Brent…”

“Did you tell him?” From the weighted tone of her question, I can imagine the look they share. It sounds like there’s news.
