Page 108 of Cry For You

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One Year Later

You want to know how the proposal was, don’t you?

It went something like this…

We threw a rocking party, everyone dancing and having fun. Landon and the boys took me by the hand and sat me down in a chair.

“I have something to ask you.” I was floored; I wasn’t expecting this. “First, Jacob, do I have your blessing to ask for your mother’s hand in marriage?”

“Hell, yeah!” he says, making everyone laugh, including me in my shocked state.

Laughing, he says, “Will you have me, Lacey McQueen?”

Jacob beats me to it first. “She says yes!” The room quakes with laughter.

“Don’t you think that’s a question I should answer?” I look at him, not able to hold a straight face.

“You’ve already seen him in his underwear, so it’s yes.”

“Jacob!” my cheeks burn as I shake my head at him.

Landon laughs with the crowd. Jackson face-palms in his hand.

“I didn’t picture this moment with comic relief,” Landon says.

I just shake my head, laugh, and say, “We accept!”

five months pregnant…we couldn’t wait.

Landon kisses my stomach. Theboys are on the floor in front of us, excited because we found out the sex of the baby today. They’re telling us they decided they want a sister.

Landon says, “Sorry to disappoint you, boys. That’s not the way it works. It’s not made to order.” He rubs my belly. “If it was, you weren’t going to be consulted.”

“Ah, man,” Jacob says.

“Why don’t we ever get to make the decisions?” Jackson says.

My husband ruffles their hair and smiles. “When you leave the kingdom, you can make all the decisions. Until then, this is a monarchy. That’s settled. Do you want to hear what you’re getting?”

“I guess so,” they say.

“How enthusiastic of you,” I say

“My lovely queen, enlighten them.”

“Boys, looks like you’re getting what you want. It’s a girl!”

Whoops and high fives ring through the room.

I’m happy they’re excited. Laughing, I ask, “Why do you want a sister so badly?”

“Our friend has a sister; he says she’s good luck. When you guys say no, we can send her in for the yes.”

I laugh harder, holding my stomach. “Really, guys.”

Landon shakes his head. “You little twerps better not use your sister like that. I mean it.”

I never thought I would ever be truly happy again without a film of sadness. I never thought I would find love again, until he walked back into my life, and never turned in to my forever.
