Page 16 of Falling for Leanne

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If only he weren’t so damn good-looking. Seriously, who walked around just looking like that? So handsome and knowledgeable and taking no shit off anyone. It was no wonder I was breathless whenever he was around. I wanted more than a student-professor acquaintance. I wanted to get to know him. Biblically. Like, finding out his favorite strength training moves, what kind of cardio he hated, and if he liked rollercoasters. If he’d let me ride his cock until I screamed in ecstasy or if he wanted to back me up against the wall and wrap my legs around his hips while he pounded into me. God, just the thought of it sent shivers through me, and made my toes start to curl up. I could not under any circumstances allow myself to think of him that way. No fantasizing even.

So, I turned off the shower and went to bed, determined to conduct myself, even in private, like I wasn’t secretly harboring a little too much of a crush on my professor.



Taking on interns was no big deal. It was part of how I invested in my community and mentored future trainers and business owners. I valued the chance to give students the opportunity to help out in the gym and learn the ropes, how things work behind the scenes. A lot of times, it was an eye-opening experience for them.

Usually, when I took on a new intern, my concern was that I'd find my student had an unrealistic expectation of what their jobs would be like. I used to cast a wider net and offer the chance to several classes. Now, I'd learned that I didn’t want to take on an intern who thought they spent four years and tens of thousands of dollars so they could wear cute activewear and show hot singles how to lift weights properly and stretch to cool down after a workout.

In this case, I didn’t despair that Leanne was going to turn out to be the kind of horny BMI-snob I’d learned to avoid. She was smart and capable and compassionate toward those with diverse needs. So why was I nervous? Why did thinking about her arrival, about seeing her in my gym and showing her around make me feel like I teetered on a tightrope, shifting from excitement to a shiver of anxiety from one minute to the next? I had to get a grip on myself. This was business, mentoring a student in my professional capacity. It was not personal.

My phone rang. I checked the number and saw that it was Hamilton. “Hey,” I said, “what’s up?”

“I wanted to let you know I'm going to email the paperwork to you on the potential expansion. Just cross the t’s and dot the i's so everything’s in order in case you decide to proceed. It’s all in order and being scanned in now.”

“Great. Thanks for taking care of that. I like to know exactly where I stand before I make a major decision like that,” I said, kind of absently.

“So, what’s going on?”

“What do you mean? I’m just taking time to explore my options, consider the ramifications of expanding at this time. Maybe it would take too much time away from my charitable work, or maybe it would be worthwhile because of the ROI.”

“I don’t mean about the business expansion. I mean what’s on your mind. You sound distracted,” Hamilton said.

“I’m not. I’ve just got a new intern coming in, and I'm keeping an eye out.”

“So, what’s her name? What’s she look like?” Hamilton asked.

“Why do you think it’s a woman?”

“Because I know you, and no way in hell you’d be watching out a window to catch a glimpse of a guy. You wouldn’t be so preoccupied,” he chuckled. “Good to see you’re finally falling in line with the rest of us.”

“No way, my brother,” I said adamantly. “That’s not the case here at all. I want to make sure that the introduction of an intern doesn’t disrupt the flow of any of my trainers or gym members. A thorough orientation will make the transition smoother,” I insisted.

“Yeah.Thorough,” he said, and the innuendo was heady. I rolled my eyes even though he couldn’t see me.

“I’ve got to go, but thanks for the vote of confidence,” I said.

I saw her walk in the door and go to the reception desk. The thud of my pulse kicking up was drowned out by the impossible to ignore sensation of my dick twitching to life at the sight of her. For an instant, I was gripped by the unmistakable surge of desire. I swallowed hard and willed away the unacceptable wave of arousal that had gripped me.

I was a stubborn man, and I was not at the mercy of my urges. My intern, my student, had arrived for orientation for her internship, I told myself sternly as I crossed the gym to the reception area as Leanne took a badge from the receptionist and signed in.

She was always lovely but seeing her in activewear caused more than a stirring of interest in my body. The leggings and tank she wore would be ideal for yoga or cardio. They were less than perfect for standing close to me, though. I spent most of my days working with people dressed in athleticwear, and I didn’t look twice. So why was I objectifying this student, this person who was joining the A+ Fitness team to learn the ropes of training and gym management? She was beautiful, but I'd known plenty of beautiful women and kept my mind on my work. I’d just hope the attraction would pass and pray she didn’t notice the intensity of the way I looked at her when she walked in. With any luck she hadn’t noticed me at all.

“Welcome to A+ Fitness,” I said.

“Thanks. What I've seen so far is incredible.” She grinned at me and then her cheeks flushed. “Thefacilityis incredible,” she seemed to correct herself.

“Thanks. I’m proud of it. Let me show you where to drop off your things and I’ll give you the tour.”

I indicated the staff locker room and lounge to the left of the door. “You can use your badge to scan a locker open and stow your purse and stuff.”

When she returned, unencumbered by her purse and laptop bag, she was practically bouncing on the balls of her feet with eagerness. Her energy and enthusiasm were definitely a good sign that she’d fit in well.

“To your right we have our treadmill bay which has the street view. Behind that, our cycles. We have a Cycle to the 80’s Hits class that’s popular right now, on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Hip Hop Cycle is in the evenings at seven those days.”

“That sounds fun. I read up on this place online and I was impressed with the inclusivity and diversity of workouts. I’d like to see all of it obviously, but I'm really interested in the studios you built without mirrors, with the private changing area. Undressing in front of a mirror or in front of others is a major eating disorder trigger for a lot of people. It’s unusual to find a mainstream health club with accommodations for that. It was the factor that persuaded me to take on an internship on top of my schedule this semester.”
