Page 31 of Sellout

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I’m surprised he’s asked. I didn’t think he liked me.


He snatches the paper back and scoffs. He scribbles something and passes it back.

Parker wants me to ask you how the “voices” are.

My cheeks grow warm.

It’s manageable. No headache. I’m okay.

Will grabs the paper again. Once he’s done reading, he crumples up the paper and throws it toward the trash. I glance over as it goes in perfectly, despite the fact that the trashcan is across the room.

The teacher shoots a glare at Will but doesn’t say anything. By her thoughts, I can tell she’s impressed too.

Once class is over, Will jumps out of his seat.

“Will,” I say, to stop him.

He pauses, turning to me with a glare. “What, Henley?”

“Why do you hate me?” I ask, suddenly feeling brave.

His jaw ticks. “Parker is waiting for you.”

After that, he storms off. I follow him out the door and find Parker standing there. I knew he said he was going to walk me to my next class, but I didn’t expect him to be waiting for me.

“Is Will okay?” I ask Parker, looking off to where he stormed off.

Parker grabs onto my hand. “Just ignore him.”

He leads me to my next class.

The rest of my morning line up is similar—Parker always meets me outside the door to walk me to my next class.

In every single class, the others only have one thought on their mind—is Henley dating Parker? I want to scream at them and tell them that it’s none of their business. But I know from experience that people don’t like it when you answer their thoughts out loud.

As we head into the cafeteria, we pass Will. He glares at me as we walk by. I know that Parker said to ignore him, but I can’t help the feeling that Willloathesme.

But why? Why would Will hate me? I barely know him. There is no reason for him to hate me.

Parker pulls me to a stop just outside the cafeteria. “Are you okay?”

I nod.

“Is it overwhelming?”

“No. Somehow, it’s better after hanging out with you,” I tell him. “Just… everybody is really curious. They’re all thinking about how you don’t talk to anybody outside the beautiful clique.”

He snorts. “Thatis what they call us?”

I shrug. “It fits, right? You, Will, and Blaine are the nefarious three. All the girls think it’s a shame that the three hottest guys in the school don’t date.”

Parker rubs a hand over his face. “They’re right. We don’t date. Nobody in our pack does.”

“What do you mean by pack?” I ask.

“I mean… our friends.” He sighs. “You get that we’re not normal, right Henley? I’m not like those other kids. Neither are you.”
