Page 74 of Sellout

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I pace beside him. “Is your aunt nice?”

He glares at me. “Yes.”

“Is she married?” I pause. “Or mated, whatever the term wolf shifters use.”

“No. She doesn’t have a mate. It’s rare, but sometimes wolf shifters never meet their mate. Like, if one of them dies before they meet.” He shrugs, like it’s not a big deal. “But she’s never broken the no dating rule, even if the odds of her meeting her mate in her forties is pretty much zero.”

My heart races. “So Parker might not—”

He cuts me off, turning abruptly toward me. “It’s a one in a million thing. Don’t get your hopes up. Because even if Parker never meets his mate, you will meet yours.”

I press my lips firmly together, saying nothing.

Maybe Will is right. How could Parker and I ever work out? We can’t fight against fate. Something like soulmate love is epic. Why wouldn’t I want that?

Still, I know the moment I look into Parker’s sky blue eyes, all reason will be forgotten. I don’t dare mention that to Will though.

His parents must’ve really loved one another to be together even if it meant death.

To be honest, I’m not sure I want a soulmate. I’d rather have a choice. Because then, I could choose to be with Parker.


The pack is all I have.

Parker shows up at my house a little later, asking if I can come over to his house. The pack is initiating Ben and Parker wants me to be there for the celebration.

I honestly can’t believe I’m being included. I figured it would be for pack members only. And, as Will has reminded me over and over again, I’m not pack. But being included makes me feel warm all over. Even though I’m not a wolf shifter, maybe I can be part of the pack.

Parker holds my hand as he leads me from my house to his Jeep. I want to ask why he’s holding my hand now. He does it at school because it helps block the voices, but there are no voices to be blocked right now.

He opens the passenger side door for me, letting go of my hand so I can get in. The moment he gets in the driver’s seat, he grabs ahold of my hand again. I hold onto it like a lifeline. I’m scared if I point out that he’s holding my hand, he’ll stop. And maybe I should point it out.

I wonder about Parker’s mate—who is she and what is she like? Would she feel like Parker is betraying her if she knew we are holding hands? Or maybe she thinks the no-dating rule is bogus and has her own boyfriend.

I understand why my dad never told me the truth. His soulmatedied. It was a complete tragedy. And since wolf shifters can’t have children with somebody who isn’t their mate, he lost any chance of having a family when she passed. But I wish he would’ve told me that I’m a supernatural. I wish he would’ve told me about soulmates. Maybe if I knew, I wouldn’t have crushed so hard on Parker.

“What are you thinking so hard about?” Parker asks.

“Will told me about his parents.” I worry my bottom lip between my teeth.

Parker is quiet for quite a few seconds before responding. “He’s had a rough life.”

“He doesn’t like us hanging out,” I admit.

He tightens his grip on my hand. “No, he doesn’t. And I know that us hanging out is dangerous, but I can’t seem to help myself. No matter how bad of an idea this is—” he lifts our intertwined hands, “I can’t bring myself to care.”

My heart swells at his confession, but my stomach also aches with guilt. Parker’s life would be so much easier if Dad and I had stayed in New York, but I hated it there. I was sad, lonely, and miserable. Here, I have friends. I have a life—agoodlife. I just wish I didn’t make things difficult for Parker.

Parker pulls his Jeep in front of his house, parking in his usual spot. He doesn’t move to get out just yet. He just holds onto my hand.

“What is going to happen with Ben?” I ask.

“We’ve got him moved in with a wolf shifter family. There is a couple in our pack who are mated but were never able to have children of their own. It’s really rare, but it happens. And they’ve decided to take Ben in.” Parker angles his body toward me. “I’m glad you didn’t listen to me when I told you not to talk to Ben. He needs a family and a pack. You took the time to talk to him.”

“I’m new to this life. I don’t know all the rules yet. But he seemed like a good kid.”

Parker frowns. “Normally, I would’ve talked to him and asked him about his pack. I would’ve taken the time to realize…” he pauses, shaking his head. “I was jealous. I thought he liked you.”
