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“Look, I know you don’t get the whole emotion reading thing, but I need to stay after class and talk to Dawson,” I tell him.

He nods. “Okay.”

“Without you.”

He frowns. “Fine, but you better have him walk you to the dining hall when you’re done. I don’t want you by yourself until this situation with King Hastings is taken care of.”

“Okay.” Even though I hate having a babysitter, he’s probably right that I shouldn’t be alone. King Hastings isn’t going to stop. This is his obsession.

Devin and I walk hand in hand inside our supernatural history class. When we sit down, Devin keeps his hand to himself. It makes me smile that he doesn’t want to get in trouble with his brother.

Devin glances over and notices the smile. “Don’t give methatlook. I’m not touching you right now because Dawsonwillcall us out on it in class. I don’t care if he does, but I know you do.”

He’s right—I don’t like being called out in class. I prefer to stay unnoticed, as often as I can. It was the only way I could survive back home. But Devin is an alpha. He demands attention in every room he walks into. And since I’m always by his side, I also get attention.

Still, I wouldn’t change this for anything. Devin is the love of my life. Fate absolutely chose right when it comes to us.

Devin leans over and whispers, “If you keep looking at me like that, I really won’t care where we are.”

I lean up and press a quick kiss to his lips. His eyes widen in surprise, but he smiles widely, his green eyes almost glowing with pleasure. I made him happy.

Maybe I’m too timid with Devin. I should be bold more often and make the first move.

I only look away when I hear Dawson walk into the room. Devin takes a few more seconds before he turns away from me. My heart is racing and I’m aware of the fact that everybody can hear it, but I can’t bring myself to care. One day, they will understand. Having a soulmate is indescribable.

Dawson’s eyes meet mine. His lips turn downward for a split second before he schools his face. But even without the frown, I can feel his emotions. He’s having a really hard time right now.

My stomach aches. I wish there was something that I could do. If only I could see the future and know when Dawson is going to meet his mate, but no supernatural can tell the future. And even if they could tell the future, there are too many uncertainties to know for sure.

Devin grabs onto my hand. I glance over and him and see that his eyebrows are furrowed as he looks at me. His eyes flash between gold and green. I realize that my eyes must be gray because I’m sad for Dawson.

I blink and whisper, “Sorry,” to him.

Dawson hears, but he ignores us as he begins class.

“Today, we will begin our lesson on the history of dark fae.” Dawson’s eyes light up as he begins teaching class.

Is he really that excited to teach about dark fae?

“The dark fae have always been very secretive about their history, so not a lot is known of them. We do know from the history of fae that light and dark fae were once the same species.”

I raise my hand.

Dawson nods at me.

“The dark fae don’t believe that to be true. Whether or not it’s true, I’m not sure.” I sit up straighter.

Dawson nods. “I’m not surprised, but one look at you and I can see the similarities. Did you know that a fae’s emotions will change colors depending on their emotions?”

I shake my head. “I don’t know any other dark fae whose eyes change like mine do.”

Everybody turns to look at me. My cheeks grow warm at the attention.

“Your eyes are a common trait among fae,” Dawson says. “You also share the gift of being able to read emotions.”

I didn’t know that.

I sit forward, suddenly interested to hear about the history of my kind. Has everything I’ve been taught a lie?
