Page 14 of Just a Wrong Turn

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After paying and grabbing their bowling shoes, Liza led Miller to a bench and they sat in silence while putting on their shoes.

“So… who’s Abigail?”

Miller froze, then tried to play it off by resuming his shoe tying. “Why?”

Liza creased her brow and gave him a devious smile.

“Just a girl.”

“Your sudden inability to tie your shoes says otherwise.” Liza pointed to a tangled mess Miller didn’t realize he had made of the laces.

“I take it you saw my phone yesterday,” he said without looking up.

Liza nodded. “She’s pretty.”

Miller felt like he got the wind knocked out of him. Talking about Abigail but nottoAbigail was torture.

“So, what’s the deal? You like her?”

Miller shrugged.

“Aw, you do. That’s so cute!” Liza covered her mouth. “Tell me about her!”

Miller leaned back and crossed his arms in front of him trying to conveyI don’t want to talk about this,but he knew from past experiences that Liza was relentless when it came to extracting information. That’s how she found out about the time he lit his sleeve on fire after making his mom a birthday cake when he was nine-years-old. She had seen the scar on his wrist while he was explaining radioactive decay to her and wouldn’t let it go. The CIA should consider hiring her. She was an expert at annoying information out of people. It was pointless to resist.

“There’s nothing to tell. We dated for six months. We broke up. She moved on.”

“She… moved on.” Liza said slowly. “You still love her!” She clasped her hands near her heart. When she looked at Miller, he swore her pupils had enlarged into cartoon eyes.

“You love someone?” Oliver stood next to them and scrunched up his face in disgust. “Gross. Can we bowl now?”

Liza laughed. “Yeah, let’s do it.” Before standing, she leaned in next to Miller. “This conversation isn’t over.”

Miller groaned.

By the eighth frame, Miller felt like he was getting the hang of bowling. He was not a smooth-looking bowler. His delivery felt wobbly and awkward, but he had managed to get a few pins each time rather than gutter balling it like he did to start.

When Oliver stood to take his turn, Liza called out, “You got this Oliver! Go get 'em bud!”

Oliver rolled his eyes back at her but was clearly trying to contain a smile.

Everette was sitting across from them staring at her phone. Even though they had to rip her away from her screen every time it was her turn, she seemed to be enjoying herself.

Miller glanced over at Liza out of the corner of his eye. She was clapping at Oliver’s split. “Touchdown!” she yelled while holding up her hands.

He expected her to bust out one of her cheers from high school, but she just laughed at Oliver’s eye roll.

“You’re good with them,” Miller murmured.

Liza looked over at him. “Thanks. They’re easy… for the most part.”

“How often do you watch them?”

“Every weekday I pick them up from school and hang out until one of their parents gets home. Their mom is a surgeon and their dad is an ER doctor.”

Miller felt like a knife was jabbed into his heart. He must have let some emotion slip across his face because Liza quickly said, “You always said you were going to be a doctor. What happened?”

Thankfully, they were interrupted by Oliver. “Liza, you're up.”

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