Page 24 of Just a Wrong Turn

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He helped her stand and led her to his truck.

When they arrived at her building, Miller went around to open the passenger door. She seemed a little wobbly, so he asked, “Do you want me to make sure you get in okay?”

“No, I’m good.”

Miller was learning that Liza was fiercely independent. That was the one thing they seemed to have in common. He watched cautiously from the truck as she entered the apartment building.

Miller pulled up to Oven + Vine at 6:05 pm even though she was in his car at ten to six. Liza said she wanted to be a few minutes late—to show Dr. Sam that she wasn’t too eager.

“Are you planning to wait in the car?” Liza asked as she held one hand on her purse and the other on the door handle. She looked picture perfect. Her hair was pulled back in a low ponytail and her lips were bright red.


He realized he was staring. “Yeah, I’ll just wait for you here.”

“Thanks again. I shouldn’t be too long. Wish me luck!” Liza grinned.

“Good luck.” Miller gave a swift nod.

He watched Liza walk up to the restaurant entrance. From his spot in the parking lot, he could see the bar and soon spotted Dr. Sam. As Liza approached, Dr. Sam stood and gave her a long embrace.

Miller leaned his head back and closed his eyes. His first date with Abigail floated into his mind. They went on a simple hike at a county park and Miller packed a picnic. Abigail made fun of him for being so romantic, but he could tell that she liked it. Abigail was different from other girls. She wasn’t into public displays of affection and was even more introverted than Miller, but he liked pushing her out of her comfort zone. He smiled remembering the way she would scold him every time he grabbed her hand in public.

Taking a deep breath, Miller tried to swallow down the lump in his throat.How long does it take to stop missing someone that doesn’t want to be with you anymore?When he opened his eyes, he saw Dr. Sam walking towards a black BMW in the parking lot. A moment later, the car sped away. Miller sat up and squinted to see inside. Liza was alone at the bar, stirring a drink.

What just happened?Miller jumped out of his truck and reminded himself to walk—not run to Liza. It had barely been ten minutes. Did Liza secure a wedding date that soon? Was she not feeling well?

As he approached her, he heard sniffles.

His heart lurched.

Sliding onto the open bar stool next to her, he asked, “Are you okay?”

She used her sleeve to wipe her cheek and then her nose. “Besides feeling like an idiot, yeah I’m fine.”

“Do you… wanna talk about it?”

Liza let out a chuckle. “Why not, I don’t think this day can get any worse.”

Miller felt his stomach knot as guilt washed over him. He wanted to apologize, but Liza cut into the thoughts he was trying to form.

“The bartender carded me when I ordered a martini, and when I went to reach for my fake ID—I realized I had left it in my silver clutch. That led to Dr. Sam saying, ‘You’re over 21 right?’ When I told him I’ll turn 21 soon, he got all flustered. He said he thought I was at least twenty-five. He was all, she deepened her voice to imitate Dr. Sam, 'Liza, you know I’m thirty-one right? Ten years… that’s too much. If I would have known, I never would have…’ And then he left. Mid-sentence.”

Liza laid her head on the bar counter.

“He paid you for the vest though, right?” Miller searched for the bright side.

“I gave it to him right when I arrived, and he tried to pay me… but I told him he didn’t have to. I was trying to butter him up before asking him to be my date to Maggie’s wedding.”

Miller winced. “I’m sorry, Liza. For everything. I shouldn’t have had you walk Hunter. He’s so new to the rescue. I should have done more testing with him first. Then I would have realized he had a strong prey drive, and you wouldn’t have fallen and gotten a concussion. If you wouldn’t have been hurt, you probably would have remembered your fake ID… and you would have a date to Maggie’s wedding.”

Liza lifted her head up and reached her hand out to cover Miller’s.

His hand began to sweat.

Well, everywhere began to sweat at the feel of her soft skin touching his.

“You’ve always been too hard on yourself. Other than a bump and a headache, I’m really fine. And, honestly, Dr. Sam would have found out eventually. It’d be more embarrassing if he walked out on me at the wedding.”
