Page 23 of Just a Wrong Turn

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“It’s…” Liza paused as she considered blurring the truth by saying it was a business meeting, which could be justified because Dr. Sam was going to pay her for the vest. But, she lacked the energy to keep up any charades. “I’m meeting Dr. Sam to give him the vest I made.”

Miller shook his head and raised an eyebrow. “That’swhat you can’t miss?”

If only he knew how much energy she had invested in grabbing Dr. Sam’s attention. The weekly chiropractor visits, the flirting, the subtle hints, the text conversations. It was all leading up to this moment. Yes she hoped to date Dr. Sam, but being on his arm at Maggie’s wedding—that was the goal all along. Liza felt a twinge of guilt knowing that she was using him, but she was planning to make it worth his time.

“I have an important question to ask him and it’s urgent.” Liza felt like a patient in a psychiatrist's office as she laid on her back, staring at the ceiling while being vulnerable. She took a breath and then unloaded. “I need to ask him if he’ll be my date to Maggie’s wedding. It’s next weekend, and I cannot go alone. My mom is a total control freak. If I don’t show up with an impressive man, she’ll make it her wedding week mission to see me engaged as soon as possible to a buttoned-up, stale, boring investment banker or… podiatrist.” Liza shuddered at the thought of her mom parading her around the wedding reception like a pathetic spinster in desperate need of a husband.

When Miller didn’t reply, Liza turned her head slightly to see if he was still in the room. She saw him leaning with his back against the foot of the futon, legs crossed. He stared down at his shoes.

The silence made Liza nervous, so she shut her eyes and confessed, “I know I shouldn’t care, but I’m tired of being the black sheep of the family. I just… want my parents to be proud of me for once. Just for one family event, I’d love to not get the pity look—like I’m just the directionless, off-the-wall younger sister of put-together Maggie.”

When one full minute went by without a word—which Liza knew because she counted—she asked, “Can you say something? Otherwise, I’m just gonna keep rambling.”

In a quiet but steady tone, Miller replied, “I get it. Feeling like you’re not good enough sucks.”

“It does.”

When she opened her eyes, Miller was standing beside her. “Get some rest. I’ll wake you up around five. I’m guessing you’re gonna want to change.”

Liza hadn’t glimpsed her clothes, but based on what she remembered before her fall she assumed her butt was covered in mud.

Chapter 12


Millerracedaroundtherescue, letting the dogs out one last time before taking Liza into town for hermeeting, which was actually a date. Seeing how Dr. Sam was flirting with her a few days ago, it was pretty obvious it’d work out how Liza hoped. Of course Dr. Sam would jump at the chance to be Liza’s date. Miller doubted that she’d ever been turned down.

At 4:45, Miller walked into his room. He couldn’t hold back a smile as he saw Liza. Her arms were strewn over the side of the futon, her hair was a mess, and drool was sliding out of her mouth. She would hate that he was seeing her so disheveled, but he actually appreciated knowing that underneath her flawless appearance there was still a regular person. Then he remembered that it was his fault she was passed out so deeply, and guilt sliced through his gut. He hurried to check on her.

“Liza, time to go.” When she didn’t move, he stepped closer and leaned down—worry creasing his brow. He didn’t want to startle her, but he also wanted to make sure she was okay. He rubbed her forearm.

“Mmm that feels nice.” He heard her murmur.

Relief flooded his veins. “Liza, time to get up.”

“My shoulder,” she whispered.

“Does your shoulder hurt?” Miller put his hand on her right shoulder.

“Mmmhhmmm, right there.”

Miller rubbed it gently for a moment, trying not to think about how his high school-self would have killed for this moment.

Forcing himself to move on, he said a little louder, “We really gotta go, Liza.”

“Just a little more, Dr. Sam?” she whimpered.

Miller slumped down next to the futon and hung his head.Of course. Why wouldn’t she be dreaming about Dr. Sam? Just get her to the restaurant. You’re missing Abigail, and Liza is just a girl in front of you. That’s what all these feelings are…

He grabbed his phone from his pocket and set a timer for ten seconds. Turning the volume up slightly, he put his phone on the floor. The gentle method clearly didn’t work and he needed to make sure things didn’t get any more awkward with Liza mistaking him for Dr. Sam. When the timer beeped, Liza grabbed one of her pillows and covered her head.

“Turn it off,” she moaned.

“I’ve been trying to wake you up for the last ten minutes. Do you still want to go to your meeting or whatever?”

“Dr. Sam!” Liza threw the pillow off of her. She sat up slowly with her palm glued to her forehead. “I’m ready.”

Miller was about to fight her on it, but knew it was useless. When Liza’s mind was set on something, she was going to do it. She proved that to Miller when she got a B-minus on that chem exam all those years ago and again more recently when she hijacked a parade.
