Page 30 of Just a Wrong Turn

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“Okay, yeah that sounds like it could work." Maggie chewed on her pen cap. Miller looked down and realized she had produced a notebook and pen from her purse. “I’m trying to think of what we could call it.”

“I was just going to call it, 'Dog Rescue Fundraiser,’” Miller said plainly.

Maggie and Liza shook their heads no at the same time.

“What about… Furry Fun Run?” Maggie suggested.

Liza straightened, “Or what about Run Fur Fun. Like f-u-r instead of f-o-r.”

“Oh my gosh, that’s adorable.” Maggie clapped.

Liza looked at Miller. “What do you think?”

“I still don't see the problem with Dog Rescue Fundraiser. But, whatever you guys think. I just refuse to say that name out loud. It’s too cutesy.”

“People like cutesy!” Liza laughed.

Miller scrunched up his face.

“When are you planning to have thisRun Fur Fun?” Maggie arched her eyebrows saying the name they had decided on.

“As soon as possible,” Miller replied.

“A 5k will require a lot of volunteers and organization to pull off,” Maggie explained.

Miller’s shoulders dropped. Liza stood and walked back and forth in front of them.

“What are you thinking?” Maggie watched Liza pacing.

“What if we did… avirtual5k?”

“How would that work?” Miller cocked his head.

“I’ve seen it done by some other orgs before. People sign up to run, or walk, between certain dates. They set up a goal of how much they want to raise and then ask their friends to donate. Then, the day that they decide to run or walk, they post about it on social media. We could make it really fun by giving out prizes for whoever has the best costume. Oh! And they could obviously dress up their dogs too!” Liza’s voice had steadily gotten louder as her excitement grew.

“I like that.” Maggie smiled. “The major benefit is that people could participate worldwide, not just those that could attend locally. Good work, Liza.”

“Okay, but I have no idea how to organize something like that,” Miller interjected.

Maggies stood and gathered her things. “Lucky for you, you have the social media queen @LizaEcklandDesigns at your service for a while.”

A weight felt like it was lifting off his shoulders.I can assign Liza to organize this.Did he trust her with the details though? She seemed enthusiastic about it, but would it last? Raising this money was essential. But he loved the idea of not shouldering the project, and he could always oversee the progress.

“Well, I would be happy to spend time on this, but I’m not sure if I can squeeze it in. I’ve been pretty swamped with dog poop duty.” Liza smirked at Miller.

He crossed his arms and sat back in his chair. “Congratulations. You’ve just graduated to… Event Coordinator.”


Miller shrugged. “The rescue won’t survive if we don’t raise the money.”

“I won’t let you or the dogs down… at least I’ll try not to.” Liza bit her lip.

Miller heard the sincerity in her voice. He just hoped they could pull it off.

Maggie’s phone vibrated. Peering at her screen, a smile spread across her face. "It's Chase. I should get going."

“Thanks for coming,” Miller told her.
