Page 37 of Just a Wrong Turn

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Miller scowled. “A date? What kind of date?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“Fine,” he huffed. There was an edge to his voice but it was forced. If he was honest with himself—which he was refusing to be—he was looking forward to spending more time with Liza.

And that bothered him.

Abigail was the only girl he’d ever liked enough to put himself out there. She was the only girl for him. Liza was just a means to an end… this whole situation was just an experiment. It was research. He was in it for the results. Nothing else.

“I’m just gonna order our pizza then.”

“Sounds good.” Liza stood tall and put her hand on the office door. “I call picking what we watch tonight. I’m thinking Legally Blonde!”

Miller groaned.

Chapter 17


Millersatonthefloor, insisting Liza lay comfortably on the couch. She couldn’t help but feel like he was intentionally putting extra space between them. Although he made a fuss about watching Legally Blonde, the way he reacted subtly to the scenes gave away the fact that he was enjoying it.

“If you think this is good, you definitely need to see the musical. Ahh-mazing,” Liza raved after they watched Elle move from LA to Harvard.

Miller chuckled. “I’m surprised you don’t want to move to a big city like LA.”

Liza was taken off guard by the subject change. “Maybe someday.” She’d never said it out loud, but she’d dreamed about moving to New York or LA for as long as she could remember. She had even filled out applications to design schools in both cities, but never submitted them.

“What’s holding you back?”

Really, now? Now he decides to ask me a personal question.It was the one topic Liza didn’t like to talk about. But if she expected Miller to open up to her—it was only fair she shared as well.

Quietly, keeping her eyes on her hands, she said, “I don’t know if I can do it.”

Miller paused the movie and looked up at her. “What do you mean?”

“I’m self-taught, designing on my own—so any success I have right now is pretty good. But if I apply to design school in LA or New York and don’t get accepted… I don’t know if I can come back from that.”

“But what if you did get in?”

Liza laughed. “That’s even scarier!”

“Why’s that?”

“Just because I get into design school doesn’t mean that I can keep up. You, of all people, know that I’m not a good student.”

“But this is something you care about. And when you want something, you figure out how to make it happen.”

Shaking her head, she bit her lip. “Being a fashion designer is all I’ve ever wanted to do—other than being Barbie’s bestie, but apparently that’s not a job or something.”

Miller smirked, but never looked away, waiting for her to continue.

“This is the only thing I’m kind of good at.”

Nodding, he replied, “I get it.”

Liza dropped her eyes to Miller. The layers of sadness and despair staring back at her stabbed at her heart. A heaviness settled in.

Liza attempted to lighten the mood. “Well, nothing like Elle Woods to inspire… and she looks stunning in the process. Oh and you get to see the Bend and Snap! Are you ready?”
