Page 40 of Just a Wrong Turn

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Liza had to ask, “How did you end up going for it? Moving to LA and getting engaged to Chase so quickly?”

“I guess I was tired of playing it safe… No,” Maggie corrected herself. “actually, it was more like I was tired of doing only what others considered safe. When I’m with Chase, I’ve never felt more safe. He’s home.”

“Uh gross. You guys are disgustingly in love. Sweetness is like dripping off of you.” Liza stuck out her tongue.

“You just wait. Some guy is gonna melt that heart of stone.”

“Oooh with his hotness?” Liza rubbed her hands together. “I’m okay with that… as long as he’s a six.”

“You mean a ten?”

“Nope I mean a six—as in someone who has a six pack and makes six figures.”

Maggie rolled her eyes. “Maybe you shouldn’t be so focused on the package as much as what's inside.”

“Says the woman marrying a hot musician,” Liza quipped.

“And, he’s just as hot on the inside.”

“Ew, gross. Don’t ever say that again.” They both laughed.

Suddenly, Maggie held up her hand. “I thought you were dating Miller… or did that evaporate already?”

“Well… we are dating—kind of. Just for the week.”

Maggie scrunched up her face. “What?”

Liza explained their experiment and how Miller agreed to be her date to the wedding.

Maggie leaned her head back and closed her eyes. “Sounds messy. I hope you know what you’re doing. Miller seems like a nice guy with a good heart.”

Liza nodded. “He is.” For the first time she felt nervous.Is pretending to date Miller a terrible idea? What if the experiment fails? What if Abigail doesn’t care…

Maggie interrupted Liza’s thoughts. “Ah, Ada texted me! Her flight gets in this afternoon. You’re going to love her. I’m actually kind of nervous she might like you more than me. You two are so similar. She likes fashion…”

Maggie continued, but Liza only heard bits and pieces. She was running scenarios through her mind of what she would do if Abigail didn’t see their posts.Maybe I could DM her and tell her what she’s missing not being with Miller. No, that’d be weird. Ugh I just want Miller to be happy. Think positive, Liza. It’s all gonna work out. God, please let the experiment work.

“Liza… did you hear me?” Maggie asked.

“Huh? Oh sorry what’d you say?”

“I asked if you’d ever want to move to LA. After Chase and I returned from our road trip, Ada took me in. She acted like she didn’t like having a roommate, but clearly she did. She’s trying to find someone to replace me since I’m—as she calls it—abandoningher by getting married and moving in with Chase.”

Liza chewed on her lip. “I mean… I don’t know what I’d do, but moving to LA sounds exciting.”

“You’d have so many more opportunities to meet people in the fashion industry. Isn’t there a famous design school there or something?”

Liza nodded.

“Well, think about it and let me know."

“I will,” Liza said. Her head was swirling at the thought of actually moving to LA and possibly, achieving her dream.

After returning home from sister bonding time—which she surprisingly enjoyed—Liza sat staring at her laptop screen. Her mouse hovered over the submit button on the LA Design Institute application. Having a place to live with one of her sister’s friends in Los Angeles seemed serendipitous. Even if she didn’t get accepted to design school, she could always find a job as a nanny.

But, that would mean leaving Oliver and Everette. She’d been their nanny for almost three years. However, they were growing up and probably wouldn't need a nanny much longer.

Miller's face flashed before her.Whoa, why am I thinking about him? After my fifty hours, I’ll be done at the rescue. He’ll hopefully be back with Abigail and all will be right in the world. I will miss the pups though…
