Page 41 of Just a Wrong Turn

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A knock on her door startled her.

“Coming,” she yelled.

Taking one last look at the application, Miller’s words came to mind.“When you want something, you figure out how to make it happen.”A rush of courage pulsed through her. She quickly clicked submit, closed the laptop, and headed to the door.

Upon opening it, she found Miller standing with his hands in his pockets. He wore a dark gray sweatshirt, black joggers, and black slides with black socks.

Maggie smiled at his monochromatic outfit. “Hey, I’m just gonna grab my purse. You can come in.”

Miller took one step and leaned against the door frame. As she put on her camel-colored Seven Co. faux fur coat, Miller spoke. “You look… nice.”

Liza forgot that Miller had mostly seen her in casual clothes. Today she was wearing attire more her norm—a bright purple cocktail dress with bows fastening around her neck and back. “Thank you. It was weird not needing a slobber-proof outfit."

“Aren’t your legs gonna be cold? It’s thirty degrees out.”

“Well, we have to make a quick stop. I always have to dress to impress where we’re going.”

“Okay…” he looked down at his casual attire.

Liza sensed his question. “Don’t worry. You make sweatpants lookrealgood.”

Miller cocked his head at her comment, and Liza realized what she’d said. Heat flushed to her cheeks. “I mean, you don’t have to worry about being underdressed. The women will still love you.”

Miller tightened his lips holding back a smile.

In need of a subject change, Liza quickly asked, “Ready? We’ve got a fun afternoon of shopping ahead of us!” As she shut the door she heard Miller let out a deep exhale.

“Let’s get this over with,” he mumbled.

“That’s the spirit! Don’t worry, I brought snacks.” Liza held up two string cheeses as they walked out to Miller’s truck.

“So, where are we going?” Miller asked as he turned the key in the ignition.

“The Senior Center.”

“What? For a minute I thought you said the Senior Center.” Miller raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, I did. It’s just across from the courthouse.”

“I know where it is. I’m just confused as to why we’re going there.”

“You’ll see.” She felt jittery with anticipation. This activity had the potential to loosen Miller up or shut him down even more.

When they arrived at the Senior Center, Liza led Miller through a dimly lit hallway and into a large room full of round, white tables. Gray haired men and women dotted the chairs.

Liza walked up to a table with three women. “Hi ladies!”

“Liza!” they said in sync.

“Do you happen to know where Birdie is?” Liza asked.

The smallest of the women piped up. “Oh she’s making snacks in the kitchen, but don’t think you can come in here with a handsome fellow and not introduce us.”

“Sorry," Liza smirked. "Miller, these are the members of the Senior Center Sewing Club. My grandma used to come here and I’d tag along. She’s the one who taught me how to sew. These ladies are master seamstresses. This is Jan, Betty, and Helen.” Liza motioned to each woman who waved and smiled.

The woman Liza introduced as Helen asked, “Miller are you pursuing our Liza?”

“Uh…” Miller hesitated.
