Page 44 of Just a Wrong Turn

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Taking a step closer to her, Miller put his hand out to stop her fervent browsing. “It’s not dumb. You found a way to be yourself. That takes guts.”

She paused at his almost touch. “Thanks. I guess clothes are a creative and emotional outlet.” Her gaze landed on him. Then, she added, “Like angsty punk rock is to you.” She batted her eyes at him teasingly. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed. Good Charlotte’s “The Anthem” plays at least once a day. I know that’s what it is because I finally asked Siri.”

Miller pinched his brows together. “Don’t deflect. We were talking about you. Don’t think thatIhaven’t noticed how you use humor to divert conversations away from deep topics. You accused me of using books as a shield, but your charming smile and flirty banter is your shield.”

Liza opened her mouth to object and then closed it again. Squinting at him, she said, “I think I liked you better when you were the silent, brooding type.”

Miller snorted. “You’re the one who badgered me into talking.”

“Andhelped you in so many other ways as well.” Liza reached in her purse. “Let’s not forget my miracle work with Randall.” Then she held up her phone. He recognized the scene staring back at him. It was a photo of him holding Randall posted by @LizaEcklandDesigns. He had no idea Liza had seen them together. The caption below the photo read: “My two favorite guys!”

“It’s the bromance Insta needs.” Liza beamed.

As much as he didn’t want to admit it, Liza was exactly what the rescue needed. What the dogs needed. And, maybe what he needed. Desperate to distract from the myriad of feelings surfacing, Miller looked down and spotted a blue shirt with pink flamingos. “I like this one. What do you think?”

Liza gasped. “I… love it!”

“I was joking. I thought you’d hate it.”

“Nope, that’s the one! So fun and full of personality! It’ll look incredible with a dark gray suit coat. I saw one… Let me find it.” Liza headed toward the back of the store—a woman on a mission.

Groaning, Miller massaged his forehead.

“Found it!” Liza hollered. Making her way toward him, she said, “Time to try on!”

“I will try them all on under one condition.” If Miller was going to have to expend energy modeling different looks, he needed some sort of compensation. “I get to pick out an outfit for you to try on.”

Liza flipped her hair over her right shoulder. “Go ahead.”

Miller approached a rack of dresses in search of the most ridiculous one possible. Spotting a navy blue-and-white striped get-up with tiny flowers and ruffles, he snatched it and presented it to Liza.

“Ooh an 80s nightgown.”

“That’s a nightgown?”

“Yep. And I’m gonna make it look so good.” Liza smirked.

Miller couldn’t hold back a grin. “Good luck.”

“You too." She handed him his pile of dress shirts and pants.

They entered fitting rooms that were next to each other. Pushing back the curtain, Miller begrudgingly put on the flamingo shirt and black dress pants. Then he stretched out his arm to pull the gray jacket on.

“Ready?” Liza called.

“I guess." Miller walked out with his phone hidden beside him. The moment Liza stepped out of the fitting room, he snapped a picture.

“Miller Brooks!” Liza laughed. “At least get my good side!” She struck an over the top model pose. Miller captured it and then shook his head.

“Is itsublime?” Liza baited him with his own word. The word he learned as fifth grader and for some reason latched onto. Somehow she made that oversized curtain dress looksublimeindeed. He couldn’t stop himself. He was laughing. He was having fun.

Abigail.Her face flashed in front of him. As if someone had poured cold water on his face, he sobered.I gotta get out of here.

Stiffening, he mumbled, “If this looks okay, I’m gonna change. I have to get back to the dogs.”

“Yeah… yeah of course. It looks nice. I like it.” The confusion that crossed Liza’s face felt like a hammer crashing into his chest. He didn’t want to hurt her, but there was no other way to make sure they carried out the experiment. And that he didn’t end up a heartbroken idiot… again.

The awkward tension in the truck cab was almost unbearable. Miller knew it was his fault, but he was incapable of fixing it.

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