Page 57 of Just a Wrong Turn

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“Can’t wait for what?” Maggie appeared by Ada’s side.

“Ah…” Liza was trying to think of how to summarize everything she’d just told Ada.

Ada interjected while wrapping an arm around Maggie’s shoulders. “I’ll fill you in Mags. All you need to know right now is that we’re gonna need some extra champagne. We’ve got lots to celebrate!” Ada winked at Liza and then said, “See you at the steakhouse. Can’t wait to meet Miller!”

Liza waved and then grabbed her phone out of her purse. There was a text from Miller.

Miller Brooks:Hey, I don’t mean to bail but Dr. Scott just called. Randall’s ready to be picked up, but he still wants me to monitor him. I’m sorry to leave you hanging.

Liza exhaled and massaged her scalp. Part of her felt relieved that she wouldn’t have to talk to Miller about her plans to move, but the other larger part of her, really wanted to see him. She replied, “I’m so glad Randall’s doing better! I’ll miss you, but I totally understand.” After hitting send, she put on her coat and headed to the rehearsal dinner alone.

Chapter 24


WhenLizawokeupSaturday morning, she was excited and relieved that it was finally Maggie’s wedding day.

Sitting up in bed, Liza grabbed her phone and opened the enrollment email from LA Design Institute. She had money saved up, so paying the deposit wouldn't be an issue. She would, however, need to get a job once in LA to pay for rent and other expenses.

After filling out the forms and payment information, she took a deep breath and quickly hit send.It’s actually happening! Throwing herself back onto her bed, she let out a squeal. The Barbie on her bedside table caught her eye. It was wearing a yellow ball gown that her grandma helped her sew. That was the first time she had ever drawn a design and saw it come to life.

It was amazing to think that anything she imagined could become a reality—because after attending LA Design Institute she would have the skills to make it happen. And someday, people around the world could end up wearing clothing from the Liza Eckland Collection.This calls for a jumping on the bed moment!Liza stood and bounced in childlike joy.

After a couple minutes, she splayed out like a starfish to catch her breath. Rolling onto her stomach, she prepared to text Miller. She missed him and really needed to tell him in person about her move.

Liza Eckland:Morning sunshine! How’s Randall today?

Miller Brooks:How much coffee do you drink in the morning? And Randall’s doing really well.

Liza Eckland:No coffee yet for me! I just woke up this way! I’m so glad to hear Randall’s better!! Do you think you can make it to the wedding today?

Miller Brooks:Yes. I was just going to text you. Captain Tate and his wife Simone said they could keep an eye on him today so that I could be your plus one.

Liza Eckland:Perfect! Wedding starts at noon. Bring your sword and shield. There are some very talkative Ecklands coming!

Miller Brooks:Noted. Armed with my best antisocial face. See you at the church.

Liza smiled. She loved his grumpy demeanor which would evaporate the moment someone—anyone needed help. Miller Brooks was a sweetheart, but not everyone got the chance to see that side of him. Not everyone took the time to see it.

Liza was so glad she did.

Liza stood at the front of the church anxiously awaiting Maggie’s grand wedding entrance. Sweet six-year-old, Delilah, walked down the aisle elegantly dropping petals until she was about halfway to the altar. That’s when she stopped suddenly and dumped the entire basket of flowers out. Apparently the excitement of being a flower girl had worn off. When it was Banjo’s turn, he balanced the ring bearer pillow on his hand like a waiter holding a giant pizza.

Smiling to herself at the kids’ adorable antics, Liza replayed the last conversation she had with Maggie before the ceremony began. “I just have butterflies, but I’m not nervous,” Maggie had said. “Actually, I think it’s more like my stomach is filled with excited bees. You know how they buzz around kind of chaotically? That’s more me. Butterflies are too graceful. I feel more bouncy.” Liza shook her head and grinned at her enraptured sister.

Unlike Maggie who rarely dated, Liza had gone out with a lot of guys. She always felt like boyfriends were the equivalent of purchasing a new bracelet—a nice accessory that you shouldn’t get too attached to because eventually it breaks.Being a child of divorce has a way of making you lose your faith in relationships. But, the way Chase looked at his sister was something she’d never seen. It was like Maggie had fluffy puppies living in her irises.

When did I become such a cynic?Liza sighed.I guess it’s always been easier to deny love’s existence than desire something I’ll probably never experience.

An audible gasp filled the room. Everyone’s heads turned. The commotion transported Liza back to the present. Maggie was floating down the aisle. The simple dress highlighted Maggie’s natural beauty.

Because the church was so tiny, it only took Maggie about ten steps to make it to Chase. Oh and Chase… He wasn’t tearing up. He was smiling so fiercely Liza worried his face would split open from happiness.

Chapter 25


Millersatintheback of the church. He had gotten turned around on all the back country roads but managed to slip in a few minutes late.
