Page 108 of Does He Know?

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“Wait,” Lachlan, who is in the pool a few feet away, holds his hand in the air. “Can I get an invite to this naked lounging? Will there be other ladies in attendance?”

My shoulders stiffen and I tell myself to relax. I know none of these guys want my girl, but I’ll be damned if their teasing doesn’t raise my protective instincts every damn time. I remind myself they don’t know she’s mine, but they will. Tomorrow, in fact. Today is the Fourth of July. Emerson and I agreed we’re going to sit down with Forrest tomorrow and spill all. The guys will find out soon after.

I admit I’m nervous. Not for me, but for her. He can hate me if he wants to. He’ll never understand how I’d be okay with that until he finds the love of his life. Me and the guys are tight. They are my brothers, but Emerson, she’s… mine.

My everything.

I meant it when I told Emerson that she changed me.

“Stop.” Emerson laughs, and the sound eases the tension inside me. “No invitations, but you know I might be with a man friend or something.”

Monroe spits out her drink. “Man friend? What are you, eighty?” She’s bending over in the chair she’s sitting in, laughing.

“You know what I mean.” Emerson is laughing too.

“Wait. Hold up.” Forrest leans forward. “Are you seeing someone?”

“What if I am?” Emerson asks. She’s still smiling and laughing. I have my sunglasses on, but my eyes are trained on her. If she wants to tell her brother now, I’m game. I don’t think that’s what she’s doing. If I had to guess, I’d say she’s warming him up to tomorrow’s conversation that he doesn’t know is coming.

“I need to meet him. Why isn’t he here? What kind of man won’t come to hang out with his girl’s family?” Forrest grumbles.

“Maybe it’s new?” Maddox says, and I bite down on the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing when Forrest glares at him. I shouldn’t be laughing. That glare is soon going to be pointed in my direction.

Forrest loves his sister, that’s not a fault, but he needs to realize she’s her own person.

“It’s not new,” Emerson says. There is an air of confidence in her voice, and that has my chest expanding with love for her. She knows that we’re in this together. Whatever the outcome, it’s always going to be the two of us against whatever situation we’re faced with. She’s confident and secure in the love that we share, and it shines through her like a beacon in the night.

“How long?” Forrest asks.

Emerson shrugs. “A while.”

“Who?” Forrest’s tone is filled with disbelief. He’s stunned that his sister is dating, and he didn’t know about it.

“When I’m ready for you to know, I’ll tell you.” She holds his stare.

“Emerson,” he growls, and I sit up straighter in my seat. I don’t see this getting out of hand, but I won’t let him start yelling at her.

“Forrest, I’m an adult. Do I drill you on every random girl you take out? Do I ask you who you're sleeping with? We’re both adults. When I’m ready to share him with you, I will.”

“It’s my job to look out for you,” he tells her.

“Not anymore, Forty,” she says softly. “It’s your job to support me. Be there when I need you.”

“I want to meet him.”

She nods. “Fine. I’ll invite him over tomorrow.” She doesn’t dare look my way, but I can feel my mouth lifting in a smile.

She did this on purpose to set up our meeting tomorrow. I just assumed I’d show up, and we’d blurt it out. My girl set him up. She’s just given her brother a heads-up that the conversation is going to happen, and he can stew on it so he’s not caught off guard.

“So no naked lounging?” Lachlan asks, and we all laugh. The tension is officially broken.

The next few hours are filled with lots of laughter, fun, and food. The sun is brutal today, but that hasn’t stopped us from enjoying ourselves. We’re all going into town later to watch the fireworks. I hate that I won’t be able to hold her while we watch them. I feel like any activity that involves staring up at the night sky, even if it’s bright with colorful lights, is ours.

“Anyone need anything from inside?” I call out.

Maddox and Lachlan are in the pool. Forrest and Legend are playing a game of war, and Emerson and Monroe are standing next to the pool. They’ve been in and out all day. Drake and his girlfriend, Lisa, are out of town visiting their family, and Lyra is as well. So we’re missing the newest members of our Everlasting Ink family.

Everyone waves me off, so I head inside to use the restroom and grab a bottle of water from the fridge. I’m not drinking today. I don’t trust myself to stay away from Emerson, even the slightest bit inebriated, and I don’t want a hangover tomorrow. I need to be in top shape when I tell my life-long best friend that his sister is the love of my life.

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