Page 116 of Does He Know?

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“Actually, yes. I didn’t eat. I couldn’t with knowing we were fighting.”

“This one either.” Roman points to me.

I stick my tongue out at him, pick up my plate, and take a huge bite of my turkey sandwich. I make a production of chewing my food and they both laugh.

“Good girl,” Roman says huskily. He leans over and kisses me before turning toward the kitchen. “Come on, I’ll make you one, and I could eat another.”

“Can we cut back on the PDA, man?” Forrest groans as he follows Roman into the kitchen. I hear them laughing, and I relax for the first time since the doctor outed us with this pregnancy.

With one hand on my belly, the other works on shoveling the rest of the sandwich into my mouth. Everything is going to be just fine.

“I can lift a tote bag,” I grumble.

“No can do, little momma,” Lachlan says. “You sit your pretty little self on that couch. I don’t need Roman going all hulk on my ass because you were working.”

“It’s my stuff,” I counter.

“That you and your best friend packed with his help. He gave me strict instructions. You are not to lift a finger while he and the other guys make a trip to his place to drop off a load of your stuff.”

“Frustrating man,” I mutter.

Lachlan jumps up and rushes toward the kitchen. He comes back with a sliced apple and a big glob of peanut butter on a paper plate.

“What’s this?”

“You were looking kind of hangry and I read that pregnant ladies need to eat lots of little meals.”

“You were reading?”

“Yeah, I mean, I don’t have any siblings, not blood siblings, so this is all new to me. I needed to know what was up. You know… in case you needed me.”

“Lachlan, that’s so sweet of you. Thank you.” I stand and give him a hug just as the front door swings open.

“Why are you hugging my wife?” Roman asks.

“Not your wife,” Maddox says, walking past him into the house. He heads toward me, and lifts me off my feet, hugging me.

“She’s carrying my kid, and she will be,” Roman explains.

“Gotta put a ring on it, brother. She’s fair game until then,” Lachlan teases.

“The hell you say?” Roman gently grabs my wrist and pulls me into his arms. “Tell them you’re mine, baby girl.”

“I’m all yours.” I kiss him, and I hear Forrest pretend to gag.

“Can we get this over with so I don’t have to watch any more of this? Rome, we talked about this. No PDA.”

“Love you, baby girl.” He kisses me again and follows the rest of the guys up the stairs.

Knowing better than to try and argue with any of them, I sit on the couch, prop my feet up, and wait. I hate that they won’t let me help, but at the same time, my heart is overflowing with love for the five men who treat me like spun glass, and love me without question, each in their own way.

An hour later, I’m bored as hell just watching them do all the work when the five of them join me in the living room. “All done?”

“Yeah.” Rome lifts me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me, his hand resting protectively around my belly.

“Really?” Forrest grumbles, making us all laugh.

“Just wait,” Roman tells him. “One day a woman is going to knock you on your ass, and you’ll understand.”

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