Page 64 of Does He Know?

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“Not for a couple of hours, but he was working on a back piece, so that’s to be expected.”

She grins. “I have no doubt as soon as he opens it, he’s going to call.”

“I’m having regrets,” I tell her.

“What? Why? The man is a total badass until it comes to you. You soften him in a way I’ve never seen before. He’s going to love it, and probably going to play the five-finger shuffle more than a few times.” She winks.

“Where do you come up with this stuff?” I laugh.

“Fine.” She playfully rolls her eyes. “He’s going to stroke his cock until he comes thinking of you.”

“All because I mailed him a blanket.”

“Your blanket, Em. He gave you one, and you gave him one. Did you write the note the way we discussed?”

“Yes, and it’s corny as hell, and he’s going to wonder what the hell he’s doing dating or whatever this is, a woman who’s ten years younger than him.”

“Photo evidence or it didn’t happen.” She holds her hand out for my phone.

I know my best friend, and I knew she would ask, and part of me wanted her opinion on how corny it was, so I did indeed take a picture. I swipe through my images, pulling up the one in question, and hand her my phone.

Monroe dramatically clears her throat. “‘Rome, I thought it was only fair that I be there to hold you when you need me too. Counting down the days, XO Emerson.’” She hands me back my phone with a proud smile on her face.

“You did good, Em. It’s short and to the point. Not over-the-top corny. Not at all.” She pops a handful of popcorn in her mouth, and chews. I can tell from the look in her eyes she has something to say. “Do you want to know what I think?”

“What?” I steal a handful of popcorn.

“I think that you’re going to bring that man to his knees. Hell, he’s halfway there.”

“I don’t want to bring him to his knees. I just want to be with him.”

Monroe reaches over and places her hand over mine. “I see the way he looks at you. Everything is going to work out. I can feel it.”

“Enough about me. What about you? It seems like ages since you’ve been on a date.”

“Yeah.” She sighs. “I see the way Roman looks at you, and I want that, you know? I’m not going to settle for subpar when I get to witness epic.” She winks. “Besides, the guys who have been interested lately are out for one thing, and you and I both know I’m holding out for love.”


“You love him, Em. It’s okay to take things to the next level.”

“Right.” I laugh. “Try telling him that. He’s all ‘we can wait, blah, blah, blah.’”

“I get it, though. He’s worried as hell about your relationship with your brother. Maybe he thinks that if this one thing stays unchecked, that it will make a difference.”

“Maybe,” I reply as my phone rings. I smile when I see his name pop up. “Hey, you. How was your day?” I answer.

“Baby girl,” he rasps, and my heart skips a beat. “It’s been over two weeks since I’ve tasted your lips, and I’m feeling that. I’m feeling the loss of you here with me, like missing a fucking limb. I’m not sleeping at night because my arms ache to hold you. I’m bone-ass tired. I rushed home from the shop tonight because all I want to do is talk to you. I know you have an early class tomorrow, and we can’t stay up late, so I blew off the guys and told them I wasn’t feeling a beer.” He pauses. He’s breathing heavily, but I don’t dare say a word. “I get home and there’s a package on my front porch. I didn’t order anything, but I carry it inside, kick off my shoes, and give it a better look. It’s from my girl, so I’m anxious to tear it open.”

“Did you?” I finally ask him. I’m hanging on his every word. My eyes glance at Monroe, and she’s munching on popcorn with a grin on her face. She gives me a thumbs-up and I shrug. I’m not sure yet if my gift was a good thing or a bad thing.

“Yeah, Em, I opened it.” Another long pause. “It smells like you.” His voice is soft, almost reverent.

“Yeah, I slept with it, with both of them, for a few nights. I know it’s lame that I stole your idea—” I start, but he cuts me off.

“Not lame, baby girl. Fucking incredible. We’re going on three weeks of me missing you, and this—it’s everything I needed today. The only thing that could be better was if you somehow managed to tuck yourself into this box with it.”

I chuckle. “Pretty sure I’d need a bigger box.” My heart soars knowing that he loves his gift, even if I stole his idea.
