Page 10 of Tobias

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“Wh-why? Why did they do this?” she asked.

“I don’t know, sweetie, but we’re going to find out. I tried calling your parents, and they said you couldn’t come home.”

“I don’t want to go! Please don’t make me go there!” she begged.

“You’re not going there, sweetie. As I said, you’re coming home with us.” He lay her back against the pillow, brushing the hair out of her eyes and the tears from her cheeks. “You’re going to be okay, baby. Gail? What exactly does your father do for a living?”

“Investments and money management,” she sniffed. “I don’t understand any of it, but he owns his own investment firm on Wall Street.”

“Do you know the neighbors?”

“No,” she said, shaking her head. “I hadn’t been down to Miami in years because of school. I can’t get his words out of my head, Tobias. He said I was bought and paid for.”

“I know, hun. We’ll find him. I’m going to have you speak to one of our people and give a description. I’ve checked the address on both sides of your parents’ home. One neighbor is a widower, ninety-two-years-old. The other is a young couple with three little girls.”

“I don’t understand,” she whispered.

“Do you remember anything about where they took you?”

“It was an empty house except for the b-bed I was on,” she sniffed. “There were no sheets on it. I remember waking at one point, and William and the driver were naked by the bed, and there was this bag with all these, all these things.”


“Objects. Tools,” she cried. “I think they used them on me, Tobias. Oh, my God! I th-think they used them on me.”

She was fast becoming hysterical, and Tobias wasn’t sure what to do. He didn’t have any sedatives with him. When he heard the door open, he knew they were going to be okay.


“Back here,” he called. Cruz and Kelsey stood in the doorway. “Help her. Please, she needs a sedative.”

“Okay, okay, hun. Hi, Gail. My name is Cruz, and this is Kelsey. We’re both nurses.” She just kept crying, sobbing against Tobias’s chest. He tried soothing her, holding her, but when Cruz asked her to lie down again, she gripped his shirt as if her life depended on it.

“You’re gonna feel a stick, honey,” said Kelsey. “It’s just a little something to help you sleep.” It was a matter of moments, and she was calm, fast asleep.

“Lie her back, brother. We’ll take a look at everything. We got the hospital records this morning.”

“She’s a fucking mess, Cruz,” he frowned.

“I know, man. I read it all.” Tobias turned, staring at the older man. He hadn’t asked all of the details. Maybe he didn’t want to know.

“What do you mean?” Cruz looked at the younger man, gripping his shoulders.

“Brother, she was brutally, sexually assaulted, and not just by men. And it was at least two men. I know you said she saw two. We heard on comms, but it may have been more. They didn’t just use their bodies, Tobias. Her uterus was damaged.”

“C-can she have children?” he whispered. He wasn’t even sure why he asked that question, but he wanted to hear the answer.

“We’re not sure, brother. Gray wants to examine her when we get back. She and Gabi might be able to help her.

“God,” he whispered. “Who would do that to her?” He heard shuffling at the bedroom door and turned to see the men he needed most.

“That’s what we’re here to find out.”


“Dad!” he said, staring at his father.

“Who else did you expect?” smirked Joseph. JB was right behind, smiling with Uncle Nathan, Uncle Eric, Uncle Keith, Billy, and Wilson. His family. His core family was here. But that wasn’t all. Gaspar, Raphael, Gabe, Antoine, and Bull walked in as well. The seniors were out of hiding.
