Page 11 of Tobias

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“I can’t believe you all came,” he gasped.

“Let’s go into the living room, and you can explain what you know,” said Eric.

He nodded, looking over his shoulder as Kelsey and Cruz were doing their work-up on her. Taking a seat, he pushed back his hair as his brother sat beside him, slapping his knee.

“You okay?” he asked.

“I don’t know, JB. Something seriously fucked up is happening here. She didn’t even know the man. Her folks made her go on a blind date with him. But the guy told her he’d bought and paid for her.”

“What the fuck?” muttered Bull.

“I know,” said Tobias, shaking his head. “I don’t understand any of this. Dana asked me to check on her, and when I arrived at their home, it was empty. No one was there. The pool looks like the fucking swamp. After the docs told me she’d been on a date with a neighbor, we checked on the residents. One is a ninety-five-year-old man. The other is a family with small children.”

“Then who the fuck did this to her?” asked Nathan.

“I hate to say this, but we need to look at her family. Her father owns his own money management and investment company on Wall Street.”

“We heard the comms,” said Antoine. “She could barely speak.”

“Her whole face is swollen and bruised. I’m pretty sure he punched her in the face. She doesn’t remember much except waking to see the guy, William, and the driver standing over her in the nude. She was attacked by two men. Two men who were bigger, stronger, and definitely knew what they were doing.” He looked at the anger in the faces around the room. “And they used more than their bodies.”

“Much more,” growled Cruz, walking out of the bedroom. “Kelsey is cleaning her up. She’s out, but I think she’s having nightmares.”

“How is she?” asked Tobias, swallowing as he stared at the man.

“She’s a mess, son. A fucking mess. Records said she had dinner at the Copa. I think we need to send a few guys and take a look at the cameras.”

“No need,” said Gaspar. “Comms? Find the footage and get us his photo. See if you can get a photo of the driver as well.”

“On it.”

“Has anyone been able to locate the parents or siblings?” asked Tobias.

“Not yet,” said Gabe. “We sent Jazz and Phoenix to the brother’s address here in Miami, but no one was home. We’re sending them to the house in New York. Comms called the sister’s home in upstate New York, then to the cabin in Maine, but the staff says they are on holiday in Europe. I think it’s awfully convenient that we can’t find one fucking family member to answer our questions.”

“The staff? The fucking staff is answering for them while their sister is brutalized, apparently, thanks to the parents.”

“She needs you to be calm right now, Tobias,” said Joseph. “I know this is terrible, but you can’t help her unless you keep your cool.” Tobias frowned at his father, nodding.

“I won’t promise anything,” he said.

The men all knew what he was feeling. It wasn’t foreign to any man on the team, but it never made it any easier. Kelsey came out, setting the medical kit on the bar top. She looked at all the men, wishing that her big Hawaiian were with them. Instead, she headed to the elder of the group. Gaspar. He knew immediately what she needed, opening his arms and hugging the young woman to his chest.

They watched as the pain etched on her face began to soften. She sucked in a deep breath as Gaspar gave a ferocious expression to the room.

“I’m okay now,” she said, pulling back. “I’m sorry. I just needed that.”

“We’re always here for that,” said Gaspar. “How is she?”

“I’m not sure they touched her at all with their bodies. I think they used – tools. Items. Metal, wooden, anything other than flesh. When she passed out from the punch in the face, it gave them time, but I think they wanted to enjoy themselves with her awake. That’s how she got away.”

“She said she woke, and they were gone,” said Tobias. “Maybe they were over-confident and thought she would stay out until they returned.”

“Maybe,” frowned Kelsey. “I don’t know, but I’m glad we got that girl before they could get back to her.”

“When can we take her back?” asked Tobias.

“A few days, honey. We want to make sure she doesn’t start bleeding again. Her nose is broken, but we’ve set it. She has a few loose teeth, but I think they’ll settle, and she won’t lose them. The flesh on the inside of her thighs is bruised but also cut.”
