Page 17 of Tobias

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“Please put it on speaker, and don’t tell him we’re here,” said Antoine. She nodded.


“Gail? Where are you?” asked her brother Lucas.

“Why Lucas? Where are you?” Gaspar nodded at her, giving her thumbs-up. Tobias gently rubbed her back, hoping to give her courage.

“Gail, you need to get back to the house.”


“You bailed on your date, Gail. You were supposed to stay with him.” She began to shake, and they worried she would break down.

“Stay with him?” she whispered. “He beat me and raped me. Brutally. Do you have any fucking idea what kind of human he is?”

“Gail, it’s not a big deal. It’s not like you don’t fuck random men all the time.” She gasped, covering her mouth as tears filled her eyes. Her own brother thought these things of her. “This is fucking important, Gail! You need to fulfill this debt.”

There was silence in the room. Complete and utter stillness as she stared at the faces of the men as much in shock as she was.

“D-debt? I have no debt with these men.”

“No, but Dad and I do. You help to pay the debt.”

“Are you fucking kidding me right now? You bartered your sister to pay off your debts? Is that what you’re telling me? Is this fucking medieval Europe?”

“Relax, Gail. He was going to have his fun with you for the weekend and send you back. Debt paid. Yea, you might have been banged up, but you would have been fine, and Dad and I would be free.”

“You spiteful, twisted, horrible man! He brutalized my body. He and others, Lucas. Not just one man! I may never have children!”

“Pfft! Like you’d ever want to be a mother.” Tobias had heard enough. He grabbed the phone, keeping it on speaker.

“Listen carefully, Lucas.”

“Who is this? Gail, where are you?”

“You won’t ever know where she is. Ever. You fucking piece of shit for an excuse of a man. You and your father both. How anyone could believe that what you did is okay is beyond me. You’re pathetic, and guess what, Lucas? You’re a dead man.”

“Gail! Gail, you have to listen to me. They’re going to come for me and Dad, and if we don’t have their money, they’ll go after Mom and then Amy and the kids.”

“So, you threw me to the wolves instead of Mom, Amy, or Phoebe. You haven’t even mentioned Phoebe.”

“Phoebe,” he stopped, taking in deep breaths. “Phoebe paid a debt about two years ago, Gail. They don’t usually like the same person twice. Except for Amy. Amy has paid our debt multiple times.”[PC2]

“This can’t be real,” she said, looking at the table. “It can’t be.”

“Who are you with? Did you find somebody else to fuck so soon?” Billy quickly stood, lifting her in his arms, and carried her into the other room so she wouldn’t have to hear the rest of the conversation.

“I don’t know what sick, twisted game you’re playing,” said Tobias, “but let me clue you in on something. You’ve fucked with the wrong people. I’m going to hunt you and your family down. And when I’m through, you’re going to wish those men had gotten to you first.”

He ended the call, turning the phone off and sliding it to the center of the table. Kelsey came out from the back room.

“Is she okay?”

“Yea, Billy is sitting with her. She’s scared and confused and hurt. I can’t imagine my own family giving me, willingly, to men like that. It’s just awful,” she said, shaking her head.

“Comms? Anything on the locator?” asked Eric.

“Yep. He’s on a yacht a hundred miles off the coast of Florida. I’m sending you the coordinates now and the name of the yacht. You’re not going to like it.”
