Page 23 of Tobias

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“Jason, Jason, Jason. I’m a man with a lot of resources. My man has been following her around, and we’ve been playing a little game. See, your sweet Gail has a ‘type.’ Handsome but not overtly so. He doesn’t have to be rich. He doesn’t even have to be smart. But she likes a man with a really good dick.

“I placed a few of my men in front of her and watched to see who she would take and who she wouldn’t. I have to say, she surprised us all. Your little girl is a wildcat in the bedroom. She likes it fast, furious, and even a little rough. She’ll be perfect.”

“She won’t do it. She’s stubborn.”

“Figure out a way, Jason. Get her to Miami and make sure she’s ready for my clients. Willing or not.”

Eddie and his men left the mansion, leaving Jason to once again wonder why he didn’t just take his own life.

“We can disappear, Jason,” said his wife. “Let’s just take whatever we can, sell whatever we can, and leave.”

“He’d find us, Virginia. You know he would.” She stood with her shoulders straight.

“I heard what you said. I don’t remember you jumping to my defense like that. Or Amy’s or Phoebe’s. You’ve always coddled her.”

“I didn’t jump to her defense, Virginia. I was trying to get him to back off. For fuck’s sake! I’m trying!” he yelled, slamming the desk. Virginia just stared at him, shaking her head.

“Well, try to figure out how you’re going to get Gail to Miami. It’s time for her to contribute to the family business.”


By the time Tobias returned to the penthouse, the group had eaten and were watching a movie. Curled up at one end, with her head on a pillow sitting on Gaspar’s lap, Gail was sound asleep. The older man smiled at him, nodding.

“Thank you,” he said quietly.

“She had a pretty good day,” said Cruz. “A few moments of confusion and anger, but that was to be expected. She’s doing alright. Did you find her brother?”

“We found the whole family.” That was all he needed to say. The others knew. “Coast Guard got an anonymous call, and they’re taking care of it. We already asked comms to do everything they could to find the parents, and her sister and husband.”

Gail stirred slightly, and Gaspar gently pushed back the hair on her forehead, smiling down at her.

“I’m so sorry,” she said, attempting to sit up. “I must have fallen asleep.”

“It’s not a problem, honey. I have a wife and daughters, and they fall asleep on me all the time. You needed the rest.” He helped her to sit up, and that’s when she noticed Tobias.

“Did you find him?” she asked.

“Gail, we found him and his wife and the two boys.”

“Little Jason and Jack,” she said, nodding.

“Yea, honey. I’m sorry, Gail. Someone got to them before we did. I’m sorry.” She swallowed, shaking her head. Wiping her eyes, she stared at the room.

“I’m not crying for him or even for Amy. They obviously knew something was going on. But the boys were just babies. They were only four and seven. What could they have possibly done to deserve that?”

“Baby, they were just born to the wrong parents,” said Eric. “Listen, Gail. We see a lot of shit in this world. We stop human traffickers who aren’t just selling adult men and women but selling children, babies. Babies, Gail. As young as four or five months. We’ve seen the evil, despicable, sick, twisted shit that this world offers.

“But. But we see the good, too. We’re so fucking fortunate that we see the good even more than the bad. Our own family, Gaspar’s parents, are the best this world has to offer, and they have guided all of us to do what we do. People make choices. Sometimes, they choose to do good, and the ripple effect is astounding and beautiful to see.

“Sometimes, they choose evil. They choose to steal, lie, cheat, abuse, and even kill. And the ripple effect is even more profound. Families, friends, generations are affected by their actions. It’s our job to stop that. It’s what we choose to do. We find the evil, we find the sick, twisted shit in this world, and we stop it.”

“I’m glad you do,” she whispered.

“Honey, that means we will find your parents and stop them. We will stop them in any way that we can. Your sister and her husband as well.” Gail stared at them, nodding. She understood. She agreed with it. She just asked for one thing.

“All I want is to be able to face them myself. I need to know why. Why they allowed this to happen to me.”

“Fair enough.” Kelsey stood and went into the kitchen.
