Page 31 of Tobias

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“Cranberries are very American. Just like apples,” he said. “Besides, nobody does a cranberry tarte like George. Damn, that’s good eating.”

Gail smirked at the men debating the finer points of pie. She slowly stood, walking toward them, and they all stopped to watch and be sure she didn’t fall.

“I’d like to weigh in,” she smiled. They nodded. “Mincemeat pie.” Antoine opened his mouth, then covered it with his hand as Gabe gasped. Gail giggled, watching their reactions.

“Blasphemy!” said Rafe. “I’m tellin’ Mama, George, Dylan, AND Sara. You’re gonna have to answer to her.”

In the blink of an eye, they went from pies to types of bread, white meat or dark meat, and then ham. Tobias gently pulled her back, letting her sit on his lap in his seat. She gently sat sideways, her legs hanging over his things. His big arms wrapped around her, gently ensuring that she was safe and secure in his arms. He kissed the side of her face, then turned her to face him.

“Are you alright?” he whispered in her ear, kissing the spot behind her lobe. She turned to look at him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“I’m so perfect, it’s terrifying. But every time you kiss me, I’m lost again, not sure that this is real or that this is where I’m supposed to be. I never knew I wanted this, Tobias. I never knew I wanted you or anyone like you. Hell, I never knew that someone like you existed. It’s scary. Absolutely terrifying.”

“Not a damn thing to be terrified about, honey. We go forward from here. Only forward.”


Gail really thought that the first person she would see would be Dana. Instead, there was a stunning blonde woman, tall and willowy, standing next to an extremely handsome dark-haired man. If she overlayed their features, she would find Tobias.

“Gail, are you alright?” asked Julia. She nodded, smiling at the woman. “I’m Julia. I’m Tobias and JB’s mother. I hope they were good to you in the Bahamas.”

“They have been nothing but kind, heroic, and gentle. I don’t know where I would be if Tobias hadn’t been in Miami.” Julia grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently. She wanted to know that she was safe. That she was with family. But secretly, she also wanted to know if there were any spirits hanging around her beautiful head. So far, nothing.

“Hello, Gail,” smiled the handsome man behind her. “My name is Joseph, but call me Trak. I’m Tobias’s grandfather.”

“I can tell,” she smiled. “You’re almost identical in size. He might be a bit taller, but I was thinking that if I overlayed your images, I would get his features. JB and Tobias are the perfect combination of you, and his father. You’re all beautiful people.”

“Thank you,” smirked Joseph. He looked at the two women walking toward them and nodded. “Gail, this is my wife, Lauren Redhawk, and Julia’s mother, Sara Anderson.”[PC5]

“Oh,” she whispered. “Oh, my. You’re stunning. You’re both absolutely stunning. I mean, I met your husband on the plane, but holy cow.”

“Yea, she gets to stay,” laughed Sara. They both reached out, giving her a gentle hug.

“Are you alright? I mean, as alright as you can be right now?” asked Lauren. “Do you need anything?”

“I’m afraid that until I get to New York, I’m without clothes,” she said, staring down at the sweatsuit they’d bought for her.

“We can take care of that,” said Lauren. “I think you met my husband, Trak when you stepped off the plane.”

Gail was speechless. She hadn’t truly stared at him before, but now, she was stunned. There was something positively mesmerizing about this man. His nearly black eyes held her gaze, the vague attempt at a smile tugging on his lips. But it was something else that suddenly paralyzed her. This man had endured pain. Unimaginable pain.

Without notice, she stepped forward and fell into his arms, sobbing. She wasn’t sure why. Shy didn’t know if it made sense to anyone but her. But she needed to do this, and it felt as though he were the man that could make her fears dissipate.

“It’s alright, little one,” he whispered, gently stroking her hair. “The pain will go away soon. The hidden pain will need to be dealt with in a different way. But it will all go away.”

“We need to get her to the clinic,” said Wilson. “I want Gray to check her out.” Trak nodded, bending his knees slightly and lifting the still sobbing young woman. He carried her to the cart, where he set her in Tobias’s arms and watched as they drove off.

“That was odd,” said Julia, looking at her father-in-law. He nodded.

“I think she remembered something. Maybe some of the pain. Either way, she has a long way to go.”

“I just hope Tobias sticks with her,” said Joseph. “I love my son, but he can be fickle at times.”

“I think he will,” said Lauren. “Didn’t you see the way he was looking at her? It was as if she were the only person here. She was the only one who existed.”

“I hope you’re right,” said Joseph. “Let’s head up to the clinic and see how she’s doing.”

Tobias waited outside the room while Gray and Lena did the internal examination on Gail. Dana and JB had arrived but were sitting with the others in the waiting area. He hoped that they would clear her to go to the pond, knowing it would alleviate much of the external pain.
