Page 38 of Tobias

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“We are children,” said Trev. “You know that. We might be big, but we act like little boys and usually get exactly what we want.”

Erin handed them each a cookie and shooed them out the door. Gail could only laugh as they chomped down on their prize cookies. While some of the women put out all the food, the others began unboxing the decorations. Gail laughed as Sophia Ann, Susie, and Paige argued the best way to strategically string lights for the best effects. The engineering minds were taking over.

When that was done, one-by-one, they grabbed an ornament and began circling the tree. Gail stared at one of the ornaments and laughed. It was a handprint in clay, the fingers representing a reindeer’s antlers. The palm was the face, with big black eyes, a red nose, and a tiny mouth.

“Oh, my God, this is so cute,” she laughed. Julia nodded, smiling at her.

“Tobias and JB did those in first grade. Dana has JB’s, and now you have Tobias’s.”

“Oh. No. These belong to you,” she said, handing her the ornament. Julia wrapped Gail’s fingers around the ornament and pushed it back toward her.

“No, honey. They’re yours now. For you and your family. For you and Tobias.” Gail wasn’t sure why it was happening, but suddenly, the tears came, slowly turning into sobs, then breathless gasps. She crouched on the floor, hiding her face from the other women. But it was useless.

She felt hand after hand, touching her, patting her back, kissing the top of her head. Finally, Rachelle sat down next to her, gripping her hand in her own.

“The holidays always make us think of things we don’t want. They’re wonderful and brilliant and full of joy and laughter. But that also makes us think of the times that weren’t full of laughter. The things we’re missing out on or didn’t do this year. Our grand plans on New Year’s seem far away.”

“It’s not that,” she hiccupped. “I’m so sorry, all of you. This is wonderful. Amazing, in fact. I’m not sure why it never bothered me before, but my family didn’t do this.”

“They didn’t celebrate Christmas?” asked Grace.

“They did, but we didn’t do this. My mother would hire a decorator who bought the tree, decorated it, and then we were told not to touch it. Cookies were made by the chef, and we couldn’t have one unless my mother said it was okay.

“Gifts were always outrageous gifts. I mean, who gives a ten-year-old little girl an Hermes bag?” she asked the room.

“I’ll pretend to be ten if that helps,” smirked Hazel. Gail chuckled, nodding her head.

“I know. Dana and I spoke about this several times, and she said the same thing. I should be grateful for it, but knowing what I know now, well, I just can’t be.”

“That stands to reason,” said Bree. “You’ve been a pawn in a very nasty, very dangerous game. What we can assure you, Gail, is that you will never again be used in that way. Never. Tobias, all the men here will make sure of that.”

“Did they love me at all? Any of them?” she asked, looking up at the beautiful faces. Claudette kneeled in front of her, gripping her hands.

“Baby, they loved you the only way they knew how. Good or bad, that’s all we know. But the beautiful thing is that you will be loved here exactly as you should be. You will be cherished, hugged, kissed, guided. There is no other kind of love like the love of our Belle Fleur family.”

“It’s all so fast,” she whispered. Claudette smiled, turning to Erin and Kate.

“That’s where we come in,” said Erin. “I’m going to give you a piece of advice, and then Kate will give you her generation’s advice. It’s similar, yet not. Ready?”

“Ready,” smiled Gail, wiping her tears.

“Sweet Gail, these men, these men protect so fiercely, so devoutly it’s all-consuming. And they love the same way. All-consuming. It’s remarkable to watch and a blessing to be a part of. If you want my advice, don’t question anything. Just let yourself feel. These are special men, and if you don’t mind me saying so, it will sound a bit conceited on my — on our part, but it takes special women to be with them.” Erin nodded at Kate as she stepped forward.

“Love is so very hard to find that when you do, recognize it as the gift it is. You should hold it gently. Don’t squeeze too hard, but don’t let it go. These men are different in every way. Their lives have been entirely about protecting others, with no thought as to who would protect them. Expect that they’ll be overbearing, alpha in every way. But recognize how unbelievably special that is and that they’ve chosen us to be by their sides. He will protect you, but you will protect him as well. He will drive you mad with his overprotection, but he will soothe you with his love and adoration of you. And there is nothing like the love of one of these men.”

“God,” she whispered. “I wish I had known you all ten years ago.”

“It wouldn’t have meant as much ten years ago, honey. It wouldn’t have sunk in. It wasn’t the right time to hear that,” said Erin. “Tobias chose you, Gail. He. Chose. You. You are already loved and treasured. Accept that gift for all that it is.”

“You can be sure I will,” she said, pushing off the floor.

“Alright,” said Camille. “Let’s decorate this tree!” Faith was looking out the window as Ghost, Ian, Gaspar, Miller, Nine, Tailor, and Alec were pushing a massive wagon on wheels. It was covered in a weather retardant tarp, tied down.

“What are those fools doing?” she mumbled.

“They’ve been acting weirder than usual,” said Grace.

“Very suspicious, all of them,” said Claudette. They turned to see a smile on Gail’s face.
