Page 39 of Tobias

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“Oh, I don’t know,” she said, shrugging. “You know how men are. Strange.” Mama Irene looked over at her with a grin, then turned to stir her gumbo.

“Strange indeed, child. Strange indeed.”


“You gonna marry that girl?” asked Kiel.

“Of course!” yelled Tobias at his teammate. “I just need to allow her some time to heal. I may buy a ring for Christmas, but I don’t want to push her.”

“Good man,” nodded Ian. “Aspen was about the most stubborn woman on the planet. Sometimes, you have to take your time and just let things happen.”

Tobias nodded, staring at the faces he knew so well. Some were older, some his own age. But they’d all grown up together. They knew one another’s parents, siblings, friends. Because they were all the same. The existence that Gail lived was so very different from their own, and he was grateful for it. But they, he and Gail, were more similar than either cared to admit or see.

“We were alike,” he said quietly. “We were choosing the safe partner for the night to scratch our itch. The one that we could push out the door at the end of it and say, ‘thanks.’ No goodbyes, no asking for phone numbers, no asking to see us again.”

“Why do you think that is?” asked Carl.

“I don’t know,” he said, shaking his head. “I think I just thought if I moved from one to the next, I would have time to figure out which one was the right one. Or maybe avoid the right one.”

“Then how did you know that Gail was the right one?” asked Marc.

“I kissed her. I fucking kissed her and thought my entire world would explode. JB and Dana had gone to her hotel to get their things, and we were just talking. I figured we’d have some fun, but when I kissed her, everything changed.”

“Did it for her as well?” Tiger stared at him, waiting for the response.

“Yea. In fact, she pushed back and said she couldn’t do it. I didn’t even try to persuade her. Normally, I would have turned on the charm, made them feel comfortable with me. God, what a pompous asshole I am. Not with her. I didn’t ask for her number, but at the airport, she handed me a slip of paper with her number on it. It just said if I ever wanted to try that kiss again, call her.”

“You obviously did,” smirked Wade.

“I did, but I was nearly too late. I texted her, and she texted back, just silly stuff. It was that text that saved her life. It was the only number she had in her phone of someone she thought might help her. One fucking person. How does that happen?”

“Not all families are like ours, Tobias. You know that,” said Benji. “We’re unique in so many fucking ways, and we can thank our parents, grandparents, and Irene and Matthew for that. I can tell you that all I ever wanted to do was come home. I wanted to be back at Belle Fleur, and I’m fucking lucky I made it.

“I think about all the men we served with that didn’t make it. The ones so close to coming home, they could taste it. They’d started packing, buying souvenirs for the family. Then a week before, hell, a day before, it all ends.”

“That’s true,” nodded Wade. “Then there were the ones that got home, and it wasn’t what they left. The girlfriend or wife was different. The kids didn’t recognize them. Their parents didn’t understand them. I think if I had a Christmas wish, it would be to duplicate what we have at Belle Fleur.”

“I don’t think that’s possible,” said Adam. “I think we were blessed with one-of-a-kind parents, grandparents, and, of course, Belle Fleur. Grandma and Grandpa are definitely unique, and they make sure that we’re all safe and protected in their own ways. All I know is that when I’m feeling off-center, just out of sorts, all I have to do is see them, touch them, say a few words, and my world is right again.”

The men all nodded, agreeing with Adam.

“Do you think they’re both voodoo?” asked Benji.

“Brother, I have no idea, and honestly, I don’t care. They could be leprechauns for all I care. They’re ours, and I will fight to the death for them,” said Tobias. He looked around the plane and counted the heads. “This is a lot of men for one couple.”

“Half are going to New York,” said Adam. “We’re going to figure out what sort of shit they’re into and stop it. I won’t lie. I want to beat the fuck out of her parents, but I’ll leave that to you. But I will get me a piece of Quinn when it’s time.”

It was bitterly cold in Rhode Island. The men were all wearing the new high-tech cold weather gear created by G.R.I.P. It was thin, like the material of running tights, but the moment you pulled it on, it felt as though a heater was warming your body. You never got too hot or too cold. Through amicroscopic[PC8]temperature control feature, it judges your body’s needs and cools or heats to the needed temp.

Although Rhode Island wasn’t necessarily anything to write home about, the massive mega-mansions of the old upper crust of the Northeast were something to behold. Vanderbilts, Gettys, and so many more. Homes built to impress, brag, show wealth, and prosperity at a ridiculous level.

Sandwiched between Rosecliff Mansion, built for a silver heiress, and Marble House, built for William Vanderbilt, was Shannon Manor.

“I’m catching a theme here,” frowned Benji, pointing as he spoke. “Shannon, as in Shannon Ireland. The iron gates have shamrocks on them. There are no less than twelve statues of saints in the gardens. And look, Irish Wolfhounds lying at the door.”

“Well, they’re gonna shit when they meet him,” said Tobias, pointing to Apollo.

“Oh, come on, he’s just a baby,” said Striker. “He won’t kill anyone unless I tell him to.” They walked slowly up the drive, the wolfhounds watching them carefully. Apollo gave a low, guttural growl, and the wolfhounds sat on the steps, almost giving a venerable bow to him.
