Page 14 of Daddy on Fire

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Suddenly it came to me. I knew exactly what I’d say if I wanted him to stop our play. “Free Bird. I hate that fucking song.” It was Jake’s favorite, and I was this many years old when I realized that the mere thought of my polyamorous, noncommittal bed buddy was enough to extinguish my lust.

The song title was the perfect phrase for a safe word.

“Good girl.” Riley’s hand slid down the slope of my buttocks, still covered in thin satin, and he sensually plunged his fingers between my legs, stopping directly over my thrumming clit.

They rested on the spot as if it were an overnight parking place. Meanwhile, my neediness for his cock was edgily growing to gargantuan proportions.

“You ready for your spanking?” he purred.

Riley hurled out what I’d been too scared to ask for.

Not prepared to lay myself bare, I braced myself.

It wasn’t on my radar to be vulnerable.

The possibility of being laughed at for my singular needs, and then having them dismissed, kept me from sharing my undisclosed desires.

My skin tingled as Riley’s palm circled my bottom. I desperately tried to keep my hips still, but the sensations were too much. The hip-hop beat between my legs pounded harder with each passing second. “Ah, ah, ah.” His voice was a perfect mix of tenderness and authority. At school I never paid attention, but when I was around Riley everything felt different. His very presence forced me to stay in the moment.

The way he moved, the way he dominated the room and filled it with something extraordinary drew me. I wished to learn more about him, and everything he could teach me.


The contact with my bottom startled me, and I sucked in my breath.

Then came the delicious sting.

He grasped me tightly, commanding my attention. His hard swat electrified my body, sending a wave of pleasure through every part of me. I could feel my core throbbing uncontrollably, begging for release. All my focus was on him.

Riley’s question made my body go all shivery. “Did your spanking feel good, baby?” How did the same man who I’d once found so exacerbating now feed me all the phrases I needed to hear?

A hum of satisfaction slipped through my lips remembering how he trained me in the forbidden ways of pleasure . “Mm.”

“Keep those luscious legs open for me.” I didn’t listen immediately, and his reprimand caused me to realize my mistake. “When I tell you to do something, princess, I expect you to obey.” He slapped my ass again, plenty strong this time. “Clear?”

The silence filling the air between us made it impossible to hear anything else.

“Yes, Sir.” I said half in jest, trying out the role of submission as a joke, not truly revealing how I longed to yield to him.

To surrender.

“Not ‘Sir’. I’m your Daddy. The man who’s going to take care of you.”

I understood he meant look after my sexual needs, and judging from the wetness down below, my pussy quite liked the idea. But I couldn’t help but pretend he meant he’d take care of me.

Defend me.

Protect our baby.

The heartbeat between my legs thudded faster.

And that’s when he rained down five more rapid-fire swats on my ass. My attempts to wriggle away were futile, trapped as I was by the steel band of his forearm resting on my lower back.

I craned my neck to see him, and the grin that sprang across his lips showed me he was enjoying this at least as much as me.

“You ready to listen to now?” His eyebrows raised inquiringly.

I plunged on carelessly, not wanting to reveal how startled I was by the smoldering flame in his pupils.
