Page 15 of Daddy on Fire

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The expression sent my spirits soaring, unfamiliar as it was. No man had ever looked at me that way before. His eyes sparkled with admiration and a fierce protectiveness that made me feel as if I was the only person in the world he wanted to be near. As if he could have all the other women in the world lined up in a row, and still, he’d choose me. As if he might murder another man who dared to look at me. He stared at me like he wouldn’t hesitate to fight for my honor, as if he might murder another man who dared to look at me.

The words ripped at my throat because it pained me to express them. Even with his baby blue eyes seemingly sincere, I struggled to believe him. “You’re not my daddy. That’s not what this is and you know it. Besides, I’ve always been bad at following the rules.”

My stomach tightened as his gaze stung my skin, almost burning through me.

He seemed to dare me to take back my words, and when he slowly trailed his fingers along my spine I suppressed a sigh, letting him soothe me.

“I may not be aware of all your finer details… but I’m experienced enough to recognize a woman who captures a man’s heart in the blink of an eye and stays with him forever. You’re funny, quirky, and smart. You throw yourself into whatever project is in front of you, whether it’s fertilizing a tomato plant or milking your goats.” Warmth rushed through me when he said, “You feel like sunshine to me.”

As he talked, happiness bubbled inside, but a nagging sense of guilt tried to spoil it. I really should tell him.

“Your mouth is so perfect. Just thinking of it gets me hard. Whenever you speak, I get this incredible urge to smother you with kisses. You’re so deliciously rebellious. I want you to be my submissive. You’ll comply with my rules and trust that I’ll protect you at all costs, bring you coffee in bed, wrap my arms around you and let you know it’s okay.”

I turned my head to give him the side eye. He quirked an eyebrow at me and said, “You don’t have to believe it yet, Faith. I plan on spending as long as it takes to convince you. One spank at a time.”

I nervously nibbled on my lip, looking away from his intimidating gaze. There was no escaping his scrutiny when he studied me, as if he could read the secrets that I kept. I felt exposed in his presence, and I had plenty to hide in the daddy department.

No one would guess it, but I was a submissive who needed a man who took control and knew how to punish me when I misbehaved.

The vibe I gave off didn’t exactly encourage a guy to be my caregiver. One who dominated and disciplined me.

No. I was too iron-willed and unruly to encourage that.

This fantasy of mine had only played out in books.

But man, oh man, did I want Riley to be my daddy.

As he rubbed gentle circles on my backside, tingles spread all over my body. “You’ve got no idea what you’re getting yourself into, bub,” I said with a mischievous smile. Peering up at him, I raised a brow skeptically. “I’m forgetful, impulsive, and get bored easily. Always have been.” Humor was my shield. I’d learned to make fun of myself before anyone else did. I grappled with wanting to share that because of my ADHD. Every day felt like I was two kids in a trench coat, faking it and struggling to do adult tasks. Both kids were perpetually on edge and in need of a nap.

He chuckled deeply, and his eyes sparkled with heat as he replied, “I’ve never been one to cower and run away from a challenge. You’re a challenge worth fighting for, princess.” He stroked the length of my hair while pondering, “And you better damn well bet that I’ll fight for you.”

Riley’s remarks blanketed the room in a comforting layer of reassurance. “Your achievements are even more impressive if your claims are accurate.” Pride bubbled within me..

“Can I ask you something?” he asked.

“Okay,” I said, having to battle my worry that there was no man who could understand or accommodate my challenges.

“Allow me to be your daddy, angel,” He breathed. “Let me provide you with the structure, guidance, and stability you need.”

Boy did I ever need it.

I nodded. Yet, I knew my performance wouldn’t satisfy him. As if he could tell what I was thinking, he continued. “Let’s agree on one rule right here and right now. You are beautiful, you are intelligent, and you won’t ever say otherwise. If you do, there will be consequences. Agreed?”

The very thought of those “consequences” caused waves of desire to course through me so intensely that it throbbed in my veins. I was breathless with need and barely found the air to whisper. “Yes, Daddy.”

In this prone position, his strong thighs dug into my belly, the undeniable hardness of his arousal thrust into my side. With all my most vulnerable places on display for him, albeit beneath the thin protection of my dress, I felt thoroughly in my element. Even though he’d caught me totally off guard telling me to call him Daddy.

The nickname was nothing compared to his hot hand which carefully lifted my skirt up over my ass, sliding over the fabric of my underwear, squeezing first one cheek and then the next.

We’d done the deed, now I had to cope with the consequences, a small life growing inside me.

Oh God, I had to break the news to him.

Riley’s voice dropped a notch, “Tell me the truth, Faith. Why is it you stopped your winning streak of polyamory all of a sudden?” He slowly squeezed my aching clit between forefinger and thumb. It was torture and everything I needed all at once.

“Lie to me and I’ll spank your bottom,” he added.

