Page 23 of Daddy on Fire

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She couldn’t help but exclaim, “By the quill and inkwell!” as she marveled at the lavishness before us, her words dripping with dramatic flair. Her voice resonated with eagerness as she gushed, “Yes! It may be hasty for me to say so, but now that I’ve witnessed it with my own eyes, I can hardly imagine anything else.”

I wrapped one arm around her and squeezed her to my side. “You deserve all this and more.”

Priscilla chimed in, smiling. “Wait until you see the actual library. Come with me.”

She grasped a golden doorknob and pushed the pale pink leather door, its surface quilted with diamond-shaped button tufts, as it swung open, a wave of giggles greeted us.

We beheld a fanciful wonderland. As Luna stepped under the arched doorway, she couldn’t suppress a gasp of awe and I was vibing right there with her.

The library’s high, ornate ceilings were painted with scenes from classic fairy tales.

In the center of the room sat a cluster of small tables covered in board games, blocks, rainbow-colored Lego sets, and a gaggle of littles who stood around constructing buildings, animals, and unidentifiable shapes.

Everywhere you looked, brightly covered books invited you to dive into a story.

Priscilla led us to the designated reading corner, where participants sat in comfortable chairs strewn with cozy blankets and plump pillows. The blanket fort shimmered with tiny strands of light, and a woman in a onesie lounged, singing softly to herself as she flipped through a picture book.

I glanced at my friend and saw the lights reflected as sparkling stars of delight in her eyes. Her hands clasped together in glee as she sighed, “What a blissful paradise! This is like a dream come true!”

Priscilla’s face lit up. “Best of all, littles’ curiosity is cultivated and encouraged.”

She led us to an array of picture windows full of bright natural light, casting a calming glow over the littles lounging on long bench seats while flipping through pop-up books.

Priscilla gestured to the yard as she continued. “We have plenty of options when members need more active play. There’s the indoor roller rink that doubles as a fun room. And of course, the outdoor playground is perfect when the weather is nice.”

Outside, baby girls and boys skipped around a sandpit, and another group hopped up and down after they released their boats into a creek which spilled into a small pond.

There was a tree house with an intricate wooden spiral staircase leading up to an ornate balcony overlooking the backyard. Colorful banners decorated its sides. A woman in a lavender playsuit lowered a stuffed dinosaur to the ground in a handwoven basket attached to a pulley system.

My friend and I exchanged glances, both of us in awe at the sheer amount of imagination poured into this place.

Once inside, I noticed a vintage carousel horse I hadn’t seen before, its rainbow-colored mane charming as childhood wonder.

One little stood next to the wooden pony, determination in her eyes. She tried several times without success to swing her leg over its back. Priscilla saw the struggle and asked, “Do you need help, Roxie?”

The woman’s face hardened with conviction. “I can do it myself!” I recognized her as the owner of the amazing cupcake company “Sparkle.” Only here, she was simply her carefree childhood self and not the creator of an empire.

I smiled at the pink onesie she wore with a matching pacifier around her neck. Her fiery pluck reminded me of my stubbornness. I watched as she tried once again, her legs swinging like a pendulum as she attempted to hoist herself over the horse’s back. She let out a yelp of disappointment as she fell down on the soft carpet beneath her.

Priscilla smiled knowingly. “Of course you can do it yourself, princess. But sometimes asking for help is okay, too.”

With that, she boosted Roxie onto the wooden pony and watched as she giggled with delight, her fists clutching the reins, legs kicking the steed into a gallop. At least in her own mind.

My friend might remain undecided, but I knew this was the perfect place for her. It radiated carefree joy. An atmosphere of endless possibilities—something we’d stopped believing in. A reflection of the exclusive club’s Ddlg lifestyle.

Our tour ended and a strange feeling tugged at my heartstrings. Though I was no longer a child, the library had a magical atmosphere that made me want to stay forever.

Priscilla gestured for us to leave the library. We soon walked into the ranch-style bar, where laughter and conversation muddled the air. The jazzy music in the background was slow and seductive, totally different from the playful atmosphere of before.

She strode to a large wooden table fronting a row of leather armchairs. The seating area had a view of the sea, its powerful, rolling waves stretching out into the distance. At the center was a large vase filled with fresh flowers that drove home the luxurious atmosphere.

“Thank you for the tour, Priscilla. That was absolutely enchanting.” A thrill of contentment zinged through my tummy hearing Luna’s excitement about The Ranch.

Priscilla’s lips tugged upward. “Many of our clients never enjoyed a carefree childhood. But here, in the library and play area, they can forget their troubles and find peace. I go there when I’m having a bad day, and immediately I feel better.”

My blissed-out friend said, “I found it as alluring as a secret garden, hidden within the grounds of a decrepit mansion, where forgotten roses still bloom.”

A look of triumph flitted across Priscilla’s features, and she honed in to seal the deal. “Let me tell you more about what we offer. Not only will you have a generous budget for purchasing supplies, you’ll receive access to all the club amenities. We offer informal get-togethers every other week for people involved in or interested in BDSM, kink, or fetishes. No sexual activities occur during these social gatherings, and we pay employees to attend in order to enhance their understanding of alternative lifestyles. We offer our representatives free concierge match-making services as well as a complimentary club membership, which gives you free perks such as spa treatments, massages, wellness programs, and even a fine dining pass. You’ll receive a wardrobe allowance for high-quality attire fitting the club’s standards. That’s just for starters.”
