Page 24 of Daddy on Fire

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Priscilla slid a thick packet she’d been carrying under her arm towards Luna, who stared at the expensively embossed folder, tongue-tied for the first time in her life. “The details of our lavish leave policy, retirement plan, child care services, housing assistance, and more are inside. Mull it over, but remember, this is a competitive appointment and one we can’t wait forever to fill.”

Luna made her backbone a rod. “Will tomorrow be soon enough? I’d like to sleep on it.”

A suggestion of admiration hovered in the club manager’s eyes. “Of course.”

As we left the bar and headed back to my crappy car, it was hard not to be enamored by the luxurious lifestyle The Ranch represented.

This should be a no-brainer for my friend. I just hoped her mind didn’t wander too far down the haunted halls of uncertainty before deciding.



After our magical tour of The Ranch, where I dearly fucking hoped she'd take the job, I chirped to Luna, who lounged in the cheery turquoise booth across from me, aglow in the haze of the delicious dessert she’d just wolfed down. “Ready for a top-up?”

During our tour, we ran into Roxie, the woman owner of “Sprinkles” in the littles library, and it inspired us to visit her shop and order one of her buttercream masterpieces. Of course, all secrets about Roxie’s Ddlg lifestyle at The Ranch remained locked behind our lips.

We couldn’t tell a soul.

Before you could say ‘Yaaas Cupcake Queen’, we’d gobbled our sugary creations and I was jonesin’ for more.

Luna joined me to place a second order at the counter.

We eyed the cupcakes—a technicolor dream of spongy goodness behind gleaming glass. This time, we snagged a few each, including some of Roxie’s cream-filled inventions: Mystical Marshmallow Swirl and Cosmic Cotton Candy.

Biting into my cake, I moaned around a mouthful, sounding more like I was approaching climax instead of devouring a dessert.

“This is seriously one of the best things I’ve ever tasted,” I exclaimed as Luna rolled her eyes in ecstasy.

I watched as she savored her own cupcake, cheeks pink with pleasure.

Luna’s grin widened. “Think about it—me, your sugar mama for reals! Keep you knee-deep in cupcakes. Imagine how sweet our lives would be if I took that job.” She winked.

I blinked several times, momentarily speechless at the thought of Luna affording a life of luxury. I knew if I wanted to give my kid a good life, I’d need to pull off something big too.

But what?

Busting my worries open like a piñata, she changed the subject, “I’ve noticed that you’ve come more alive since you and Riley became an item.” She rolled her elegant fingers towards me. “You have a certain glow about you. A skip in your step.”

My hands shook as I nervously twisted a cloth napkin beneath the table, and my insides twisted into knots. The words I searched for tangled in my throat like a ball of yarn. No matter how I tried to ignore it, the fact remained—Riley and I were going to be parents.

I took a deep breath and met her gaze with a determined look. “I have to share something with you,” My voice was barely above a whisper. “I’m fucking pregnant.”

Luna’s eyes widened in shock, her feet swing-skidding across the black-and-white checkered floor, first one, then the next. Swing, skid, swing, skid. “How do you feel about this?” She puzzled.

I exhaled a sigh of relief. It felt good to share my secret with my friend, especially someone as supportive as Luna. “I’m definitely keeping the baby.”

My jaw set, fists clenched tight around the napkin still in my hands, and shoulders drawn back as I stared ahead determined.

“What about Riley? Have you told him yet?” Luna asked, her voice soft and concerned.

I nodded my head, and shame thickened in my throat. “He announced he thinks we should slow things down between us,” I murmured, hating how tears pricked my eyes.

I guess it was true what they say about preggo ladies. The hormone gremlins had taken over my body: weepy one minute, elated the next.

Luna reached across the table to clutch my hand, her gaze reassuring me with its strength. “You don’t have to do this alone,” she declared. “I’ll be here to support you every step of the way.”

My heart overflowed with a warmth that I hadn’t known in a long time and I sniffled as gratitude filled me up. “Thank you, Luna,” I said with sincerity. “I’m so lucky to have you as a friend.”
