Page 38 of Daddy on Fire

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Suddenly, she stood between us, shouting after him. “Hey Jake, it’s not me, it’s you! My husband licks me like a lollipop, and satisfies me every time!”

My cock throbbed its approval at how Faith handled herself, my body thrumming its urgent desire to stake my claim again. I hissed out my demand, “Time to renew our vows, pretty girl. Let’s start by giving you a ‘sexual adventure you’ve never experienced’.”



After Riley made his mysterious sexual adventures comment, he led me to his pickup. He made a quick phone call and hung up. I shot a questioning look his way. Feminine poise had radiated from the other end of the line, and I cross-examined him, “Who was that?”

“You’ll find out soon enough,” he said, something mischievous stirring behind his eyes.

A tiny fizz of anticipation zipped up my spine as a tumble of confused thoughts and feelings assaulted me. After our encounter with Jake, on the sidewalk outside Splendor in the Grass, I’d felt muddled.

Typically, you know before you know.

Like when you’re zoning out, daydreaming about colors for nursery walls and your future, following the winding roads of your mind, and a tight knot grows in your stomach.

Unlike other guys, Riley showed no signs of envy.

It abruptly dawned on me that his straightforward trust in me was far more attractive than false machismo.

Not a flicker of doubt crossed his face, although we’d stumbled upon an old flame of mine, now reduced to cinders and ash—smothered completely. He never doubted me, even after encountering a very vivid reminder from my risque past.

My face flushed with embarrassment at my reaction hearing a woman’s voice when he spoke on the phone. Unhinged!

I ran my fingers along the hem of my sundress, unable to look him in the eye, and sighed.


My eyes traced the ever-changing landscape outside the window, and my mind drifted as the pickup truck rolled through the countryside. Deep within my thoughts, I pondered how even though I wasn’t the jealous type, my so-called green-eyed monster refused to get back into her box.

The idea of actually committing seemed insane—until it slapped me in the face. I had finally found someone worthy of my time. Our relationship was as complicated as a calculus equation, and yet it felt like pure destiny.

The vehicle weaved around the curves of the country road, and as sunshine filtered through the tall spruce, a tightness spread in my chest.

Recognition slammed into me as the same trees I’d seen on the way to Luna’s job interview came into view.

All at once, the skittering at my spine turned to a stampede.

I gave him a nervous glance as I asked, “Why are you heading this way?”

He didn’t say a thing. The intensity behind his gaze stoked a bonfire of excitement between my legs. He brought the rig to a stop in front of the large wrought-iron gate that stood as an imposing blockade to the entrance of the private club. “Not this place again,” I muttered unintentionally under my breath, marveling at its crafted curves and intricate details.

“You’ve been here before?” he interrogated; his tone made it impossible to pretend I was a stranger to The Ranch.

My mind was a crazy mixture of hope and fear as I considered what lay ahead on this very road. “Please. I’ve seen enough to know these places exist.” I lifted my chin, meeting his icy stare straight on. “Get a grip.”

He spoke in a way that alternately thrilled and frightened me. “Watch. Your. Mouth.”

Then I had to stir the hornet’s nest. “You watch it.” I sassed. “I can’t see it from here.”

My heart galloped as he made slits of his eyes, unblinking. I waited for him to say something.

“Uh, oh?” I wondered aloud, reminding myself too late how dumb it was to tease a grizzly.

“Uh oh, indeed.”

Fantastic. The man could be so infuriating, and now I’d pay the price for my smart mouth. I fidgeted in my seat as my fingers tapped a beat on my crossed leg. The pounding of my pulse vibrated throughout my body. Weighty silence hung thickly in the air. He clenched his teeth so hard the muscle of his jaw danced, and he white-knuckled the steering wheel.
