Page 39 of Daddy on Fire

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The raging tempest of electric indigo in his stare nearly made me feel guilty. But I couldn’t admit I’d visited the Ranch with Luna, not another guy—his torment was too delicious. I knew I was being petty. But damn did payback feel good when the green-eyed monster was high on pregnancy hormones.

I was playing with fire.

After that, the truck ride was fraught with tension. Riley’s face gave away nothing, and his silence was a wall against my curiosity. Why were we going to a sex club? I kept glancing at my phone, but the clock seemed to drag. Why was this taking so long?

As I directed my gaze to Riley, he offered me a warm smile. His soft laugh made it impossible to keep my guard up, all of my defenses shook on their foundation.

I snapped at him, “What’s so stinking funny?”

Riley’s arm snaked around my waist, hauling me up the steps. His baritone was gritty with emotion. He answered my question with a warmth that seemed to come from his very soul, engulfing me like a blanket of summer sunlight. “You. You’re hilarious. And adorable.” He picked up my hand and kissed its palm. “And I love you.”

Luna had cautioned me, and she was right: this was one of those times when my heartstrings were like a mischievous puppeteer, pulling me closer to love’s embrace while simultaneously tugging me away.

“I want you and only you, Faith. But you don’t have to say it back if you’re not ready. I’m proud of you for taking your time before diving in emotionally with me.”

His strong grip was warm as he grasped my hand. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone, and nothing will change my mind.” He tried twisting the wedding band on my pregnancy-swollen finger, but it wouldn’t budge. “Just like this ring, I’m not going anywhere.”

“I guess there’s no getting it off now.” I told him. “You’re stuck with me.”

“Trapped for life.” Riley said, placing a kiss on on the knuckle of said finger.

We pulled up to the formidable luxury of The Ranch’s front entrance, and a staff member came out to provide valet parking. Riley smiled and my guard melted away. “Hey,” I said. “Luna and I didn’t get this treatment.” I quickly covered my mouth with my hands.

Without acknowledging me, Riley wrapped his arm around my waist and guided me up the stairs. He squeezed me tightly.

He looked so mouthwatering as he held open the door and allowed me to walk in front of him. The voice in my head chimed as it so often did, “my husband”.

As we walked up to the concierge desk, the manager showed no sign she remembered me until I offered my hand in greeting. “Hi, Priscilla,” I said cautiously. “It’s Faith. Do you remember me? I was here with my friend when she applied for a job in your library.”

“Of course.” Her teeth flashed as she nodded her head politely.

She kept her lips sealed. Not a hint of emotion crossed her features, nor did a single syllable leave her mouth to reveal any information about my friend.

“Luna is so excited about starting her position here. She told me she accepted the job,” I blurted.

Priscilla’s face softened in relief, and her tight professional mask evaporated. In its place, a delighted child smiled back, like that of a little girl allowed to stay up late.

“Yes, I’m so very pleased,” she said, “I think she’ll be a wonderful addition to our Ddlg staff.”

Riley’s eyes locked onto mine with a glimmer that set off sparks in my belly. The hint of wickedness in his smirk was unmistakable, glinting with a spark that said, “Payback’s a bitch. I’ll take care of you later.” I toyed with him, making him believe that I’d been to The Ranch on a date, when in truth I’d just helped a pal explore job prospects.

Priscilla wore a forties-style suit in a lush emerald green, and there was white piping on her Peter Pan-collared jacket, and a pencil skirt with a kick pleat. She asked kindly, “What can I do for you today?”

Riley said, “I called earlier to reserve a viewing booth for the Dutch barn.”

My icy gaze shot daggers at him. He had the audacity to wink at me. His smug smirk spoke volumes. “Didn’t I tell you that you’d find out soon enough?”

“Oh!” I stamped my foot. “Aren’t you just as slick as a banana peel on a marble floor?”

He reached out his hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. It was impossible to hold a grudge against him when he gave me his trademark infectious grin.

We followed Priscilla through the bar and passed Little Library. She led us up a wide staircase to a long hallway lined with many ornate doors. They were tall and imposing, painted in rich colors with heavy-looking handles made of brass. Erotic tapestries hung on the walls in between each door: mouths, fingers, and genitals everywhere, illustrated in vivid detail. My pulse quickened as I ogled each sultry scene.

Priscilla’s voice snapped me out of it, and I started, like a rabbit caught in the headlight’s glare. “You’re lucky. We had a last-minute cancellation in the Lone Star Elite Lounge. Ready to go inside?”

Our suite was more luxurious than anything I’d ever imagined. The main room was decorated in a sumptuous style, with a plush sofa, armchairs, and a gleaming hardwood floor. A fireplace provided extra warmth and charm. The bedroom contained dark wood furnishings, including a nightstand holding a filled decanter of red wine plus two glasses. The bed was piled high with fluffy pillows and fancy silk comforters. A wooden dresser sat against the far wall, next to a set of closed double doors. Our guide informed us, “And these doors lead to the viewing area, of course.” My curiosity almost led to my demise more than once, but I desperately wanted, noneededto know what was on the other side.

I waited with barely concealed impatience while Priscilla continued with our tour of the room. She pointed to a phone and said, “Should you wish to indulge in our fine dining service or spa offerings, this is your direct link.” My heels bounced nervously off the ground, betraying my anxiousness. I held my breath and tried to stay silent. At last, she brought me to a compact desk in the corner and explained the regulations concerning consent and safety protocols. While I processed this information, my gaze wandered over to the two doors that could lead anywhere. Once we had finished signing in, Priscilla set my guest pass on the table and left.
