Page 23 of Knockout

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Liam asked, “Who is he?”

“I don’t know.” Skippy sniffed again. “Been keepin’ my nose clean so that I can get out. Gonna take my girl to Tampa.”

“Good.” Liam nodded. “You should do that.”

“Can I go now?”

“Did you hear anything else?”

Skippy shrugged as much as he could with the shackles. “He told the old guy to solve it.”

Liam glanced at Jasper. They needed the information one of the officers was currently digging up on the man Morgan had spoken to. Namely, who he was and why he’d been sentenced here.

Meanwhile, all Liam could think about was the look on Roxanne’s face the night before. She was both women—the one he’d known years ago and the person she was now. Two facets of her personality. He’d seen both. Before and after the snake delivery.

What he didn’t understand was why she’d refused to make a police report. Didn’t she know that was how they established a pattern of this man’s actions in order to bring charges? Every threat toward her meant a nail in his coffin—figuratively, anyway. Did she not want to bring the guy down?

Without her telling him the guy’s name, he had no way to figure out who it was.

Because he’s dead.

“Later, Lee.” Skippy headed out of the room with a guard, who gave Liam a confused look.

Liam didn’t blame the guy. Skippy acted like they were friends when Liam was the one who’d arrested him for social security fraud—cashing his dead grandma’s checks.

Jasper said, “You wanna pull Morgan in here?”

Liam scratched the stubble on his jaw. “Yeah, but I want info on the other guy first.” He headed out to the hall and back to the main hub of offices. The surveillance rooms were in the center with the inmates separated into smaller pods surrounding them. They located the officer currently tasked with pulling up information on the convict Morgan had spoken with.

“Ah, there you are.” The officer turned in his chair. “I was just about to come find you guys.”

Jasper said, “Here we are,” and headed for the coffeemaker.

“Oscar Prentiss is currently incarcerated in this fine establishment because of failure to report everything on his state taxes, failure to pay alimony, and the attempted kidnapping of a Chihuahua.”

Liam blinked.

Jasper nearly choked on his coffee. “How does that help?”

The officer pointed at Jasper. “Exactly. That’s what I thought. So, I did some digging into his files. The divorce occurred because Oscar was apparently testing drugs he was making in his kitchen on the dog.”

Liam frowned.

“Nothing came of it. The evidence was destroyed before the techs got in there. He cleaned it up good. All they had was the statement of a disgruntled spouse and a dog that suffered no ill effects. In fact, Oscar said the dog liked getting high.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

The officer grinned. “I know, right?” He sighed out a long breath. “Seems like he’s got some skill with substances.”

“What about his career?”

“He worked for a startup company developing a supplement drink. It was turned into a multilevel marketing scheme, but the whole thing went belly up a couple of years ago.” The officer shrugged. “Didn’t work. Made a few people sick. A lady sued them because she gained ten pounds.”

Jasper said, “Huh.”

Liam made notes on his phone. “So, the Russians need something from a guy with the scientific know-how to create drug cocktails from scratch in his kitchen.”

“At least the subject lived.” Jasper grinned over his mug, but it wasn’t funny. No one wanted another spate of drug overdoses.
