Page 38 of Knockout

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The captain nodded. “I know. But the front seat was empty when we got here.”

Everything in Liam tensed. Where was Roxie? If she’d been taken like Karina… He sucked in a breath.

“One of my guys recognized it as your truck. We figured it was you. If you give us the driver’s name and a description, we can direct our search.”

“I’ll help.”

Gutierrez set a hand on his shoulder. “Sarge—”

He shrugged it off. “I’ll help.”

The captain said, “You don’t go into that building.”

“Good. I’ll search outside.” She could be out here somewhere. They had her description now, so they’d be able to ID her.

Liam set off, walking around the building and scanning the parking lot. Behind the building was a row of fencing overgrown with a hedge. Not a great place to hide if that had become necessary. He didn’t have her number to call it. He could get ahold of Gage, and have Clare give him Roxie’s number. He’d have to admit he hadn’t asked for it, but the chance to save her would be worth it.

Where is she, Lord?

He passed a massive dumpster and checked the far side. Pulled up short. He turned back to Gutierrez. “Go tell the captain I got her. And have EMS get back here.”

“On it, Sarge.” The officer jogged away, his belt jingling with each footfall.

Liam approached her slowly, eyeing the gun in her hands. The one Gutierrez hadn’t seen. Liam stayed out of the line of fire. “Roxie, it’s okay. You’re safe.” He took a couple of steps toward her. “You’re safe now.”

She didn’t even blink, just sat huddled against the wall and the side of the trash bin. That gun in her hands.

He crouched beside her and laid his hand on top of the gun. “Let go of the gun, Roxie. Give it to me.”

“I can’t let go.”

“Yes, you can.” For some reason he couldn’t explain, Liam said, “Let go. I’ll catch you.”


Agarage door rolled up, one in a row of doors. Clare’s car was parked in a spot across from them. She and Gage had shown up at the crash scene and given Liam a set of keys. He’d left her no choice but to go with them after she’d told the officer what she could.

Liam pulled the borrowed car into a garage at the back of a house Roxie had never been to. The car stopped, and she jerked with the motion but couldn’t make her limbs move. He’d taken her gun. All she could see when she closed her eyes was Mark standing over her.

His words rang in her mind.

The door to the house opened, and Gage and Clare stepped out. Liam met them at the hood of the truck.

She flinched, then realized he stood beside her.

“You’re out of it.” He leaned in and slid an arm under her knees. “Come on.”

She should argue that she could walk, but the words wouldn’t form. She managed to lift a hand and grasp the collar of his SWAT T-shirt. Her head swam as he moved through the house and sat her on a couch. She curled her knees up.

Clare handed her a mug. “Hold this. Drink it slowly.”

The stoneware radiated heat into her fingers. She took a sip of the strong tea, sweet and rich. Not a blend she usually liked, which served to jolt her thoughts together rather than let her sink deeper into oblivion.

You’re stronger than this.

You have to be.

Gage sat in the armchair to her right. Clare sat on the arm of that chair, close to her husband.
