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“Connor, please, just think about this,” Bill said, sitting forward.

“Think about what? That I should only move when you tell me to? I’m sorry, you may have had that kind of hold over your daughter, but you don’t have it over me. You may like to think you do, and for a while I may have allowed it, but it won’t happen again. That was my mistake,” I said, feeling the weight I’d been carrying for months lift from my chest.

The room grew quiet as the three of us sat there, staring at one another. The tension in the room was palpable. I was worried about how Bill and Paula would take this; I was worried about how Cadence was dealing with everything, and I wanted nothing more than to be there to help her realize everything was fine.

“Connor, we never meant to harm you intentionally,” Paula said, tears filling her eyes.

“Intentional or not, the hurt was done. We both lost someone, we both have grieved, but now I need to pick up the pieces and move on. I won’t live my life alone.”

I got up out of the chair and went to leave the room. I needed to get over and see Cadence, to make sure she was okay. I was just about to climb the stairs when I heard Paula say my name. I turned around to see her wiping her eyes.


“We will be out of your way. Just give us some time to calm down.”

As I looked over at Paula, who buried her head into her husband’s shoulder, I felt bad. Just like her words had hurt me, mine had hurt them. It hadn’t been my intention; I was angry. I didn’t need anyone to tell me who I should or shouldn’t love. “Paula, you guys don’t have to leave. I’d never, ever turn either of you away.”

“Really? Even though we really haven’t been that fair to you. I never realized that you took what I’d said to heart.”

I looked around the room. They’d been more than fair to me in some ways. They’d help me repair this place when otherwise I’d have lost it.

“Paula, how could I not? I blamed myself for months over her death. Months. Then to realize that you both thought it too broke my heart. I loved Ella very much, and it’s taken me a long time to heal. It’s taken me a long time to be okay with knowing I needed to move on. I can’t even begin to repay you for the money you gave me. You sold your family cottage, for goodness’ sake,” I said, tears coming to my eyes, remembering how I felt when they’d told me they had taken care of all my home and farm repairs. “Please know, I’d never turn my back on either of you. You are more than welcome in my home; you are my family. But that means that you also treat my new girlfriend, or wife when and if the time comes, with the same respect you’d show when your own daughter was alive.

Paula looked over at me and got up. Coming over, she wrapped her arms around me and cried. “Connor, we are so sorry. I wish you had said something to me earlier.”

I wrapped my arms around Paula and placed a kiss on her cheek. “Me too. This clearly wasn’t the way to do it.” I chuckled as I hugged her a little tighter. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I am going to make sure that Cadence is okay.”

“Of course.”


I’d come home, started a fire, and now sat in the quiet of my living room. I’d finally stopped crying after making myself some coffee. What had I been thinking, sleeping with Connor? I should have known better, I thought as I sat down with my mug and a plate of fruit. I heard him apologizing to Bill and Paula as if I’d been nothing but a huge mistake. I should have known he wasn’t ready. He’d never be ready because, no matter what, the feelings I had for him were greater and far older than the ones he had for me. He may be older, just like he was in school, but the feelings he held for me would never catch up to mine. I knew that now.

I’d debated what to do on the way home. I’d decided that I’d go back out to my grandparents’ place once Gabe arrived home. There was no need for me to stay here any longer. I’d decided that once I finished my coffee, I’d pack my stuff, then I’d call the real estate agent who carried the listing and cancel it. I’d move back there and be done with the entire situation. I was done with Willow Valley.

My throat hurt from all the crying I’d done on the way home. I swallowed a mouthful of hot coffee and sat down beside the fire when the phone rang. I didn’t recognize the number, so I answered.

“Cadence, this is Jonathan Hall, from Hall Realty. I’d like to let you know that there has been an offer on the farm. I know it’s taken a while, but you will be happy to know it came in over asking.”

I said nothing; I felt totally numb at this news, just as I had when I stepped inside the front door. This was the last thing I wanted to hear because I knew I’d really have nowhere to go now.

“Just say the word and I will send you over the offer, but considering the offer itself, I’d be surprised if you denied it. Looks good to me, so, look at it and ask questions, should you have any.”

I didn’t want to look at an offer. Hell, I wasn’t even sure what I was doing. What I wanted was to ask him if it was too late to pull out, but I knew it was. Instead, without thinking, I shoved a piece of apple into my mouth. “You know what, if it’s that good, just accept it. Send over whatever it is you need signed,” I muttered, then hung up.

I took a sip of my drink when the phone rang once more. Figuring it was Jonathon again, I answered, to hear my brother’s voice on the other end.

“Cadence how are you?” he questioned.

“Fine,” I replied.

“I’m flying in on the 23rd now. Can you pick me up at the town hall?”

I swallowed hard, tears forming in my eyes. I needed to get out of Willow Valley, and I needed to do it soon. I could feel it. I couldn’t stay here. My heart hurt, my chest hurt, my heart had been broken and the longer I kept things inside, the worse it was going to get.

“Cadence, is everything okay?” Gabe asked.

I’d just realized I hadn’t said a word to him about his change of flight.
