Page 66 of Blood Bound

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“Sometime after sundown. We kinda didn’t agree on a time last night… I think it slipped our minds to exchange numbers,” I say, shrugging when she rolls her eyes at me.

“Too busy thinking about the dick than to ask for a phone number,” she says, dodging the lamb slipper I aimed at her head. Yes, I stole the lamb slippers.

Finally settling on a pair of tight black jeans, ankle boots, a blouse, and a leather jacket, I walk out of my bedroom feeling nervous as fuck.

I don’t know what tonight will hold and since Gabriel knows how I feel about him and what we mean to each other; I don’t think he will hold back as he did last time.

Xenia makes us coffee while I wait and chats to me all the while, but I can’t seem to hear her. The nerves are eating me alive and when an hour passes, that anxious knot in my stomach has grown.

Then another hour.

Then another hour.

When midnight hits, Xenia looks at me with concern and walks over to where I’m sitting.

“I’m sure he’ll be here,” she says, rubbing my back in circles. “There’s no way he’d miss a chance on some lamb stew.”

I let out a sad laugh just as the doorbell rings and jump to my feet while turning to Xenia with wide eyes. “See, you’re on the menu!” she says and I rush to the door.

Only to find no one there. I look around outside and see no one else, and my heart drops right into my fucking knees, knowing it wasn’t him. He didn’t come…

Sighing, I’m about to close the door when a red box on the doorstep catches my eye. I frown and look around outside again, but see no cars on the street and no shadows around the corner. Did Gabriel send someone to leave this here?

I pick up the box and walk inside, closing the door behind me while inspecting the box. It’s red velvet and looks expensive, about the size of one of those boxes you see men proposing with.

Not only that, but they engraved my name in gold on the top. Why would someone leave this on my doorstep?

“Where is he?” Xenia asks with a frown and I shrug.

“I don’t know, but someone left this on the doorstep,” I say, holding it up. That knot in my stomach grows tighter, my palms clammy and a cold tremor runs up my spine, something about this doesn’t feel right at all.

Taking a deep breath, I open the box and frown at what I’m seeing: Gabriel’s signet ring, the one he always wears on his pinky finger.

“What is it?” Xenia asks, shooting me a panicked look.

I slip the ring out of the box. “It’s Gabriel’s ring, I—”

Unable to finish my sentence, I feel a rush of blood shoot straight to my head, and my heart races when something clatters to the floor. I bend down to pick it up and an ice-cold wave crashes over my body.

Why didn’t I notice this before? Why didn’t I smell it? I can’t move or speak, because I know this is a message intended just for me and I know exactly who sent it.

Gabriel’s signet ring is splattered with his blood and the thing that fell out when I lifted it, is one of his fangs.


My feet carried me before my mind could even register what I was doing and the next thing I know, I’m rushing to where Daniel is parked.

“OPEN UP!” I cry out, knocking on the window. “OPEN THE FUCK UP!”

The door swings open and Daniel steps out, looking confused. “Is something wrong, ma’am?”

I scoff. “Is something wrong?! You’re seriously going to ask me that?!” I cry out, then feel Xenia’s hands on my shoulders.

“Deep breaths, babe,” she says, stroking my hair. “Did you see anyone in front of her apartment a few minutes ago?”

“No, ma’am; we just swapped shifts when I saw your front door closing.” his eyes narrow, then he does a flick with his wrist and when I look behind me, I see three wolves running behind my apartment. “What has happened?”

Tears choke my throat, and I dig my nails into my palms to compose myself. “When was the last time you heard from Gabriel?” I ask, my voice laced thick with tears.
