Page 41 of Sparks Fly

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My heart swells as I approach my dad. Another brother. “Hi there, little one,” I breathe out, peering down at him.

“Would you like to hold him?” Dad asks with a warm smile.

I nod and accept the little bundle Dad carefully places in my arms. I stare down at the cutest little face with a head of dark hair. “This is Jaxon.”

“Hi Jaxon,” I coo, leaning in to smell that sweet newborn scent. “Aren’t you just adorable?” I glance up at Tarshia and offer a smile. “You weren’t wrong when you said he’d be in a rush.”

Low laughter hums through the room. There’s a knock at the door and we look up to see Brady and Wren standing in the entrance. They make their way into the room and crowd around me to get a better look at the new baby.

“His name’s Jaxon,” I tell them.

“He’s such a cutie,” Wren says, grinning as his tiny little fingers latch onto hers.

Brady manages to grunt out, “Congrats,” which I admit is an improvement for him.

“Thanks, son.” Dad wraps his arm around Tarshia’s shoulders.

I pass Jaxon over to Brady, who holds him stiffly. “This is your big brother. He’s going to teach you how to surf.” Brady grimaces. He was struggling to adjust to the new family to begin with–and that was before the new baby came into the picture.

Wren squeezes my arm to get my attention when Brady steps away with the baby. “Are you okay?” she whispers. “We’ve barely spoken these last couple of weeks.”

“Sorry, I’ve been so busy with Theo.”

The kid in question chooses that moment to fling his toy across the room, a giant clatter ringing out. Brady’s eyes widen as Jaxon starts to cry, startled by the noise. He looks to me and Wren, completely panicked. I step in with a laugh, scooping the baby into my arms. I start bouncing around the room, trying to console him. He settles quickly, and it doesn’t take long before he’s fast asleep.

“You’re a natural,” Tarshia comments, making my cheeks flush with pride.

As more guests arrive, we leave the hospital to take Theo home. Once he’s settled and asleep, I collapse onto the couch, exhausted from the day.

“Where’s Brady?” I ask Wren when I realise he’s missing.

“I sent him to go get some food.”

Almost on cue, my stomach rumbles. “Oh, you’re the best!”

“I had an ulterior motive.”

I give her a sideways glance, groaning when I notice the smirk she’s wearing. I was hoping she’d forget about my run in with Conrad. I’d filled her in a bit, but we hadn’t been able to talk properly because Brady was always around.

“Spill, girl. I want to hear all the details. What actually happened on your date?”

“RJ was so nice, and I’m sure he must think the worst of me.” I rub my temples, trying to fight the headache I feel coming. “He had to have known something happened. I mean, I was an absolute mess, practically drooling over Conrad. Who even does that? I’m the worst person in the world.” When I’m met with silence, I look over to see Wren watching me with arched brows. “What?”

“From what you’ve told me, the chemistry between you and Conrad has been off the charts.”

I bury my head in my hands. “Wren! You’re not helping. I’m supposed to be trying to forget about him. That was the whole point of going out with RJ in the first place.”

“Look, I get that things are awkward with Conrad and Brady–”

“And Jordan, and Ronnie, and Harley, and Tom–the list is endless here.”

“Harley’s dating Conrad’s sister. I feel like that’s got to help somewhere doesn’t it?”

“Did you forget about what Conrad did to Harley? He fractured his cheekbone for Christ’s sake.” My stomach clenches. I find myself wondering why I’m reminding her about it. It only makes me feel worse.

“No, but he also helped us find Ronnie. I think that shows he’s starting to change.”

“So you think I should date the guy because he did one nice thing? Please. Brady would have a heart attack if I told him I was even considering it. Not to mention Harley would probably never speak to me again. I hold up a hand when she opens her mouth interrupt me. “It’s a moot point because I can’t stand the guy.”
